scourgesister and YOU
WHAT: Single teen alien seeks empty home to crash in for the night; no house-keys required.
WHERE: Any residential area in Truth or Consequences! In your backyard, sleeping on your roof, rummaging through your fridge at 3am -- you name it.
WHEN: Between the 20th and the 27th, primarily at night.
WARNINGS: Swearing, mooching off the general populace.
SUMMARY: After running away from home, Vriska's left without a place to stay, so she decides to find one -- whether it's already occupied or not.
[Vriska lost track of how long she'd been lying on the rooftop, unless "too damn long" was a means of telling the time. But it wasn't as though she was in a rush to get home; she didn't exactly have a home to go to anymore. Now she was stuck with nothing to her name except a set of dice and a few bloodstains on her shirt. Maybe she should have thought this runaway routine through a little better.
She watched the lights in the houses below dim, one by one, and idly wondered what the others were doing back at the hive. Not that she cared or anything. She didn't need their stupid communal hive in this stupid desert because she'd be perfectly fine on her own. Sure, she didn't exactly know how, but she was too lucky to worry about details like that. Something would come to her. For starters, though, she could get off of this rooftop; a nice long flight would help her clear her thoughts.
As she flew, Vriska noticed that the humans were strangely lax about hive security -- thanks to the heat there were plenty of open windows around, and her vision eightfold had picked more than a few spare keys embedded in strange, fake rocks. It gave her an idea: why bother trying to do it all herself when these people were practically rolling out the red carpet for her? An unlocked door was like a Thief's invitation, and it would be so rude for her to refuse.
Smiling widely to herself, she landed. Now all she had to do was pick one and let herself in.]