I couldn't resist him // His eyes were like yours // His hair was exactly the shade of brown

Jan 04, 2011 07:25

WHO: Gert and OU!Chase
WHAT: Gert pretends she isn't worried about Chase; everyone eats donuts; he will probably get a haircut, too
WHEN: Backdated to last night
WARNINGS: Language, probably

This "trip" to ToC was going to end up being more than a two day visit, if Gert was being honest with herself. It really was unfair to leave both Chase and this new, older Molly in ToC without any "adult" supervision. Of course, she trusted Molly way more than she trusted Chase but that wasn't here or there. It pained her to think that he was just sitting alone, drinking himself to death, and she wasn't there. She had tried to help the Chase back in Manhattan but it was a moot point-- at least she could do something for this Chase.

Why was it she always made such rash decisions when it came to him? This completely interrupted her schedule and life that Gert had tried to cultivate to keep herself somewhat sane. She trudged up to his door, heavy packages and suitcase (and Old Lace) in tow.

And here Gert thought she had completely given up on people and society.

Sigh. She was going soft.

chase stein | ou, gert yorkes | au

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