WHO: Batman and Natasha "Creeper Comrade" Romanova
WHAT: Creeper Natasha has been radio silent WHAT IS SHE PLANNING idk
WHERE: One of Natasha's places. He's Batman.
WHEN: After his fail!dinner with Pepper.
WARNINGS: Creepering, probably.
SUMMARY: Batman spoke to Natasha about... Natasha... and he wants to find out what she's up to. Something about friends and enemies and the proximity in which you keep them.
[ Natasha was right, she was good, at least in the effectiveness with which she goes to hide herself. After speaking to Black Widow, he made it a priority to memorize her routine, wherein he found she had none; it was ever changing to her surroundings and intel, something he himself might do.
One of her hideouts: a musty, cheap room across town. He slipped against the wall and let his night vision lenses clear the room before he made a move. The shadows kept him hidden, and he inspected the window frame for some kind of trap before he picked it and slipped in through the window.
It's only a moment after he's in that his sixth sense tells him he's not alone... ]