WHO: New Year's Eve Demonic/Celestial Trollothon 2010 (tag in!)
WHAT: a hellish dinner party (
menu, for the lulz DON'T LAUGH AT ME I had fun looking all that shit up)
WHERE: the Counterweight building (the import center)
WHEN: backdated to New Year's Eve, 6:30 PM and onwards
WARNINGS: oh my god so much alcohol
SUMMARY: For the record, Balthazar
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Of course, with the amount of alcohol (and somewhat intoxicating foreign demon blood) in her veins, there was no question that her plans for the meal were less than professional. The instant Constantine put food to his lips, he'd find it full of habaneros, guests would be tasting salt in their tea instead of sugar, and that sort of thing. Given the paranoia induced by her damn chip, she was confining herself to small methods of needling people, purely to see how long it took for someone to attempt murder. And hey, if it was her? All the merrier. She'd be damned (or whatever) if she let Gabriel's trolling incite the first blow.
Hey, you never outgrow sibling rivalry, okay?
"Isn't this a jolly old tea party?"
It wasn't a tone that brooked argument, and when the devil uses a Tone, you can bet it's backed up. She smiled at him widely, gesturing to the seat next to her as if they were old friends, remaining seated the whole time like she was the Queen of Sheba herself.
He smirked back at her, raising an eyebrow. "Is it me, or is the Devil drunk?"
Lucifer swirled her glass of wine gently, taking a sip and savoring the lingering flavor of Balthazar's blood mixed in there. Above them, the light over the table was flickering on and off, showers of sparks exploding from it dangerously from the overload of power concentrated into one room. "Barely inebriated at all, in fact."
Her week was full of new experiences.
"Barely?" Crowley smirked, swirling the drink in his glass and taking a sip. "That's no fun at all."
She headtilted at his glass and, in a moment, there was a goodly bottle of Craig sitting on the table in front of him. There was a certain good sense in paying one's employees and business partners well, after all.
"Who ever said I was any fun?"
Crowley paused for a second, and then brought the bottle closer to him to inspect the year on it.
"Oh please. I heard about the God party you literally crashed. If that's not your idea of fun, I don't know what is."
"Okay, that was fun. You might have a point."
She couldn't entirely stop herself from glancing at Crowley from time to time even as she was drinking; Lucifer was rapidly coming to see him as nothing more than a blood bag on legs, and Balthazar's blood was good but it made her fingers tingle strangely, her head spin just that little, and a little sweep of nausea come over her.
"Of course I do. That's the problem with you angels," he said, pouring himself a rather large glass. "You don't know how to have fun. Or at least when you're supposed to be having it."
She gave another valiant attempt at eating whatever the hell was in front of her, if only for the style points involved in playing one's part to the tee, but there was nothing even remotely appealing in the stuff. Her fork hit the plate with a small clink and she fixed Crowley with a lewd little smile. "So, sweetie, do I have to ask or will you just pony up?"
"And must we resort to acts of animistic violence at the dinner table?"
"I'm simply talking about refilling my wine glass one or five times. Come on. Have a little holiday spirit."
There weren't many dishes here that were to His liking, but He did try them. Sheogorath was always willing to try new things. And if He was staring a bit too long at Lucifer, one could hardly blame Him could they?
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