misschocolover and
ohgollygeewhizWHAT: M'gann stops to ask for directions.
WHERE: In a van down by the river.
WHEN: Monday evening, Nov 22nd.
SUMMARY: M'gann learns that miles are LONG.
M'gann had been doing a lot of reading lately. Not books really since her written English was still pretty bad but she liked all the pictures that were on the Wikipedia the very nice lady at the library had shown her.
She'd skimmed over pictures and pictures of all kinds of beautiful place before stopping cold on an image of the Australian desert. The resemblance was uncanny, from the bright sky to the dusty red earth...
M'gann had never seen Mars for herself - that she knew how to spell, and she'd searched for it first - but her parents had been vivid in describing it and even holding up the images of the planet itself she'd found the pictures of the Outback were very similar. Surely it would be dry and a bit hot and not entirely the same, but even an approximation would be a bit like being there.
A homesick itch gripped her through she'd never even HEARD of Australia before that day.
She'd checked out a few books about the place and lugged them home, flopping on her bed for hours and pawing through the photos all night. The next day she was back in the library and googling the distance between Seattle and Australia. It was a big number but not a very long line on the little map. It couldn't be THAT far...
4:15pm that evening M'gann came to an exhausted stop on a river bank in Truth or Consequences New Mexico. She hadn't thought to look around for anyone before putting her feet back on the ground. She was so tired and it was getting darkish and the grass had looked soft and the water refreshing, so she'd just dropped out of the air in the sort of pin-straight gravity-drop that her mother had always told her to knock off before she broke her ankles but mom wasn't here so there...
She took two or three steps to make sure she was gripping the ground fully again, then flopped out on her back on the grassy bank with a 'WHOOF'. She lay there for a few moments before noticing the young man under the tree a few feet away from her.
"Oh, hello." M'gann said to him, wearing a startled look and waving slightly without getting up. "Uhm, am I in Australia yet?"