Oct 26, 2009 14:09

Ughhhhhhh. Two weeks ago I went on a trip to NYC for my Professional Practices and Inter Media Studio class. It was fun, Mia came, we wandered around Chelsea and checked out some galleries. I got to see a few famous pieces in the MoMA Compass in Hand exhibition. Lichtenstein, McCarthy... Blah blah blah. I avoided going into the permanent collection because a) I knew if I saw any Dutch artists I would cry my stupid face off and b) I was coming back on November 14th. I got my itinerary for the second trip (required by my Modernists Art History class) and I honestly can't believe how ridiculous it is. The first trip was from 7am - 11pm. It was long, it was draining, I appreciated it but I was not keen to head back to the city for awhile. Turns out our next trip is even longer! We may not get back until 1 or 2am! The worst part is that we're required to focus on the MoMA. They really should consider that some of us have seen the MoMA's collection at length, and that not all of us are dumb ass architecture students who don't know the difference between Manet and Monet. I'm going to sneak out and claim I got lost looking for lunch.
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