Fucking shut the fuck up. Fucking fuck. Fuck you.

Nov 02, 2008 21:10

So anyway. I fried my brick phone, along with the SIM card. So email me your numbers people, and get the word out to everyone who isn't on this silly website. Anyway.

So my job is in peril. The person stealing from my job is definitely my boss, and he has a cocaine habit--if he gets out of control, and the shortages get worse, I'll be going down when he covers his ass. He controls the shift change paperwork, thereby controlling who looks like they've been stealing. Regional management is already watching me (I was cleared of suspicion by him of all people, see where this is going?) I could just report him, but that would be relying on an authority I have no faith in to take care of something that by all rights is my problem. So. I need proof, and possibly a safety deposit box. Hopefully I can just make myself too useful to screw over, that's pretty much what has saved my ass already, I just need it moreso. Hopefully means absolutely nothing, that's the kind of thinking that kept me hanging out with tweekers, wasting time with jun, and sucked six months of my life away into a sterile, unfulfilling relationship instead of, um, showing up to class and maybe having sex with people I liked. Hope is a soul-numbing, vague kind of fake emotion like forgiveness and devotional marriage. Fuck that shit. What I need is proof that this slimy, drunk, coked-out scab of a human being is the piece of shit he is, so that when regional management comes to me with another writeup, I can bury him, clear my name, and hardball the shit out of them for a raise.

I like this not giving a shit thing. I rather like it a lot.
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