Mar 17, 2007 17:09
so, update on the 'puter sitch-ee-ation: back up'n running. Copied everything to another drive, reformated, copied it all back once XP was reinstalled . . . BUT not after finding SO much porn on the guest accont hahahaha. Aparently, one who shall remain nameless but I know who it is (tee-hee) likes naked ladies ALOT. Like, 130 mb of 33k thumbnails alot. Bwahahaha. But yeah, sifting garbage from useful temp files has produced alot of interesting finds, ohho.
Goin back to school next week sans bus-pas, thats gonna suck da bawls. Thats alright though, i've been relying too heavily on the kindness of others for a drive, its time to beat the feet to the street yo. Warmer weather means less gripe about walkin, and it IS time to get walkin. or Walken, perhaps.
Oh, and tomorrow i gotta go move some hoighty toighty of my mothers aquaintance, after a night of St Patricks Day debauchery. Yay.
GRUDGE DUMP!!! im fuckin sick'a having to frigging reorganize/prioritize/compartmentalize my inner shit list, to keep track of who i'm grudging with and to what extent. spring cleaning!! time to stop giving a shit about old dramatics. hell, people can pass on by so quick why waste good time fighting unless there's a damn good reason. 80% of the shit that'd spring to mind off-hand is just petty crap anyway.
So, with the exception of my never ending vow to bootfuck Elliot Mattoff The JackOff in the face if i ever meet him, all prior grudges...DUMPED!