Well, if anyone is interested, I've whittled down a rather huge pool of schools into 12 programs. I will probably cut out another 4 before the week is done.
So much anxiety. So much reevaluation. And yes, a lot of excitement, too.
A lot of telling the self, "Well, we'll cross that bridge if and when we get there."
Also, since I've fallen in love with baking I've called the local vegan bakery and have begged them for a position or internship. I talk to the manager tomorrow. Today was busy, to say the least. And tonight I get to play tennis for the first time in a long time. Looking forward to that.
Without further ado:
** = programs I'm most enamored with right now
----- Architecture------
http://soa.princeton.edu/04prog/prog_frame.html HARVARD
http://www.gsd.harvard.edu/academic/phd/program/degreerequirements.html UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN
http://www.tcaup.umich.edu/archdoc/phddescriptionobjectives.html BERKELEY
http://arch.ced.berkeley.edu/programs/phd CORNELL
http://www.aap.cornell.edu/arch/programs/hau.cfm UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON - PhD in the Built Environment
http://www.caup.washington.edu/Interdisciplinary/phdbuiltenvironment/whoarestudents.php NORTH CAROLINA
http://www.ncsu.edu/www/ncsu/design/sod5/phd/index.html MILWAUKEE
http://www.uwm.edu/SARUP/phd/program.html ILLINOIS URBANA CHAMPAIGN
http://phd.faa.uiuc.edu/ ----- Interdisciplinary/Humanities ------
http://www.yale.edu/amstud/gradprogram.html UC SANTA CRUZ
http://humwww.ucsc.edu/HistCon/ YORK (pamphlet)
[cultural perspectives and cultural boundaries track]