Fic Masterlist.
All open in new windows.
up against the stars
Merlin fanmix.
mixtapes for exploding starsPanic(!) at the Disco
Ryan/Spencer. 12, for swearing.
They have their whole lives in front of them, and Ryan has never been happier.
I promise.My Chemical Romance
Gerard/Mikey. About a 15.
Do you think that, perhaps, you could save a little bit of Hell for me?
always wanted the sun on my facePanic(!) at the Disco
Brendon gen. PG-13.
Space was so far away from home, and anyways he didn’t want to live in another city with no windows.
manufactured dreams and a fabricated resolutionPanic(!) at the Disco
One-sided Brendon/Jon, Jon/Cassie. PG-13.
But somewhere along the line not having to talk turned into having nothing to talk about. Brendon doesn’t know when it happened, or why. He can’t remember crossing the line.
there is lightning in this roomPanic(!) at the Disco
Gen. PG-13 (one expletive).
Maybe it’s Ryan’s I-don’t-give-a-flying-fuck attitude that sometimes pisses Spencer off beyond all recognition. Really, just a brief sketch of Ryan through Spencer's eyes.
You are the Mikey to my Gerard.My Chemical Romance
Subtle Gerard/Mikey. PG-13.
Gerard loved Post-Its a little too much for his - or anyone else's - good.