Мы тут все о грустном да о грустном) - то открытки пропадают, то идут долго, то шлют что-то невнятное...
А я вот решила радостью поделиться. Радостью, которая началась с ожидания экспайреда, т.к. открытку в Литву не регистрировали 26 дней. Открытка вам знакома- работы Карипуна)
И решила я написать девушке сообщение-напоминание) Незамедлительно последовал ответ, да такой длинный, что решила привести его полностью:
"Hello, Svetlana,
I am so sorry to make you worry about your card. I came back from my holidays recently, and I haven't time to register all cards, that I've got... My seven months daughter do not allow to sit in front of computer for a long time :)
First of all I want to thnak you for such a great card :) I really love it :)This card is one of those cards, when you see it- you want to send a thank you card, so, could you give your address? I will try to surprise you :)
Secondly, your daughter's work is aweseome. I would like to collect all her cards one day :) Is it possible to get theese cards from other postcrossers, or it is just for your needs?
Also, could you tell me, what did you write on the card? I hope you remember... It is very hard to read, because some postal stamps covered your words an I cannot guess the meaning...
I understood where you live in and that your daugther drew this card...
You wrote "it's our..." ? and also you said, that you worked...?
It's a pitty, that I can't decode your message.
I hope you are OK with my English? I can't use English keyboard with my computer, because it will take too long to find the right letter...
It's the longest message that I wrote for postcrosser :)
So, sorry one more time, that it took so lonng to register your card and thank you for it :) You made my day :)
Best wishes,
Так что бывают и такие приятности, начинающиеся с неприятности! Не отчаивайтесь! Побольше вам добрых отзывов и красивых открыток, друзья!!!