May 03, 2006 14:59

1. You've watched PSTV while drunk.

2. You know what it means to be TOO cold to snow...

3. You know that no matter where you eat on campus, you're gonna be shitting uncontrollably.

4. You've been to a Basketball game just to stare at some Kickline ass!!

5. You wish that a squirrel would chew on a power transformer during the middle of finals week again......

6. "Everyone takes Canadian Studies"... dont they?

7. You always wonder why your friends from home pass out so early when they come to visit!?!

8. You like to (or always wanted to) fuck with people who fall asleep in the Blue Room.

9. You do/did your part to make sure the Eagle from the DT monument never flies away!

10. You have a FAVORITE place to get michigans.

11. Youve thrown tennis balls at an Oswego game and you know why!

12. Youve never even considered going to a Hockey game other than the Oswego game and that was just for the tennis balls!

13. You think Ground Zero sucked, but it was still cooler than Tabu.

14. You're gonna miss Bogarts... and want to know what they're gonna do with all of those dollars!?!

15. You or a friend are a member of at least one unrecognized Greek organization.

16. You know that MacDonough's ghosts are just burnouts smoking weed in the basement.

17. You know that if you can get a Sig Delt to stand next to a Thalian you get to 'EAT BOX' (Look at their jackets, you'll figure it out!!)

18. You don't care how dirty Monopole's kitchen is 'cause those wings are FUCKIN' good!!

19. You can never decide Cold Cheese Slice from Bonos, or Poutine from Bo Jingles.

20. You always party(ied) hard for Spring Fest.... but you never seem to make it to the concert!?!

21. Youve smoked yourself sober!

22. You refuse(d) to laugh at people who slip on the ice for fear of being next!

23. You've ever wondered what the Professors do on 4/20 since NO ONE is in class.

24. You won't/wouldn't schedule a tues/thurs class earlier than 11AM so as not to interfere with Chug-A-Mug.

25. You've been to UVM, seen how nice it is, returned to the 'Burgh, and said 'Man I chose poorly' .

26. You've been there since the '03-'04 school year... and you're pretty sure it sucks now!!

27. You still know what 561-7777 calls!

28. Every time you take/took a road trip to another school you think everyone there is a buncha lightweights!!

29. You know that only half of the Girls Rugby Team are monsters, and that the other half are hot & slutty HS soccer girls that like to party!

30. A Zuke's sub sounds REALLY GOOD right now!

31. When you were a freshman.... the bottom of all your pants were runined from frat parties

31. Ice Skating offered as a CLASS.... just so the hockey players could pass a class!

32. It's too cold to go to class, but you will go downtown without a jacket that night!

33. Tanker Tuesday was quite possibly the best thing to ever happen on a Tuesday!!

34. Fraternity brothers ride donkey's down the street.

35. You go to the homestead on Sundays in your pajama's.

36. You have ordered the Domino's students special at least a million times!

37. You walk downtown in a tank top.. even in the middle of winter!!!

38. You know why the Clios jackets are white!! ;)

39. no matter where you are from, there's always someone who's a bigger red neck than you are.

40. It's 6am and you're just walking home from the bars or good ole after hours...walk of shame ladies and gentleman...walk of shame!

41. You have either been to the jail to bail someone out or taken a friend to the hospital due to a drunken accident.

42. You walked blocks upon blocks to a frat party in a blizzard... no one is going to stop you from drinking on a friday night!

43. You know what the whisper wall is

44. You have or know someone who has been swimming in the Hawkins fountain.

45. You know a guy named Pat who drives a taxi

46. You've danced the night away at Chi-booms (Gotta love George... best dj ever!)

47. The Hot dog stand was a regular stop on a friday or saturday night.

48. Tripped down/up the stairs at Peobody's (ya know the 2 stairs you forget are there)

49. Gone to Gus' on a Saturday morning and ordered multiple pitchers of water along w/ delicious home fries!

50. When someone says Hollister boy you know who he is...

51. Chugging too much water can kill you:-..

52. Thursday night is flip night @ Peabodys ..( its like drinking for free, if u win) lol

53. No need to worry bout cash on campus or at Bozanos when u can just swipe with your ID Card.

54. Think "the ghetto" was actually a quite a fun place to live.

55. you know thursday is chiken nugget night at Al's.. its the only night you go.

56. You wonder why there is an old lady living in Harrington Hall.

57. The weekend starts on wednesday

58. You either eat at Clinton or Algonquin, and hardly ever cross over.

59. you know what E-lane is.. and you go there.

60. you can recognize the kids from Plattsburgh High School at parties and on campus, and you dont talk to them.

61. Java Joes gets you through your 9 a.m Bio lecture.

62. you dont talk to the Track kids, cause they travel in a herd of about 30 at all times. Cult.

63. you, or someone you know has either gotten date raped, hit by a car, or hit on by a 40 year old townie.

64. Starting in february, you dont leave your dorm after 8pm for fear of frostbite

65. you think wearing sweatpants or pajamas to class and all three meals is ok, or better yet, normal and cool.

66. you know someone with dreds and know that they only talk to you when there's no one else with dreds around.

67. you can recognize environmental science/ expeditionary studies majors by their Crocs

68. you know what a slack line is and have or know someone who has used one.

69. you know what "envirosci" stands for

70. seeing 4 enormous keystone boxes in the bathroom on a saturday morning means someone's had a light weekend.

71. When someone says they live in "the palace" you know what they mean and hate them for it.

72. you wonder if the white globs on the elevator walls are spit, or....

73. you hit the library at 9 pm during finals week just for the coffee, not because you like to study.

74. You hate finals week because you can't load facebook or myspace

75. You're so used to those ugly sculptures you've forgoten that they're ugly.... you remember now, don't you?

76. You know what the "flying vagina" on the Myers staircase is.

77. You had a class in yokum but don't remember it because the professor kept turning the lights down for the power point.... zzzzz

78. You only do the COS because you want to win the 100 bucks

79. You go to carnival night at clinton dining hall just for the cotton candy

80. You love Penny, and she loves you.

81. You know who English Mike is but you don't like him as much as Penny, even if he does have that cool accent.

82. You don't use library computers because you don't want to sign in.

83. You don't use cash at vending machines

84. You only go on banner to sign up for courses... because you have to sign in... right?

85. You have gotten drunk and repeatedly loaded the plattsburgh web site to see the pictures.

86. Seeing UP break up the skateboarders makes you sad inside.

87. You hate those douches who wear rollerblades to class, and imagine what it would look like if you tripped them.

88. You know there will never be enough snow to cancel classes but you hope none the less.

89. You have a gym membership but don't use it.


91. You don't think it's strange to see frat boys set up with a table on the front lawn playing beer pong at 2 in the afternoon every day of the week.

92. You can tell sorority chicks by the jackets, you don't even need to see the letters.

93. You freak out when you see children under the age of 15 anywhere on campus other than the hawkins fountain, and even then it gives you the willies.

94. You've only seen sibley from a distance because you've never had a class there.

95. You're glad macdonough is on the ass end of campus. those snobs deserve to walk for their meals.

96. You're terrified of that suttle driver that screams things out the window and listens to jam bands

97. You think whiteface is a vertical ghetto and have two reasons for calling it shitface

98. You read the comments on the board in clinton and agree with every one.

99. Santa Fe Chili makes you very, very, very happy

100. you've gotten lost in adirondack

101. you wonder if the buildings that aren't named after people will be renamed when someone cool dies.

102. You want to live in a suite but not in DeFredenburgh.

103. You wish you had a sled team to go to hawkins in the winter.

104. You know who J-Dub is

105. You know what's on the third floor of kehoe

106. You bring a snack with you when you go to the bursars to sign your bill

107. What's student accounts?

108. You call sodexho "the ho" and wonder why the RAs call it "campus dining services"

109. You know someone whos RA gives them alcohol

110. You get a tray at clinton because you need a tray at clinton. How else are you supposed to carry three plates of food, a dessert, and two or more drinks?
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