When breathing feels so good.

Aug 14, 2005 12:59

So...Update. Yeah.

I don't think friend;y's is working out. TO tell you the truth it's not even that horrible of a job but I'm making next to nothing. I'd rather bust my ass and make good money! Or make shitty money but have more hours than I do now. I'm working, on average, 4 days a week and they are giving me BULLSHIT hours. I'm thinking of going around to all of the animal hospitals in the area and seeing if they need any help. Beck told me that she knows of a place where they'll certify you to be a verteranary technician and all. 9 bucks an hour. I'll definitly be looking in to that.

So school starts again soon. Needless to say, I'm NOT looking forward to it. Not only because I hate school, but because this summer has been wonderful. Definitly the best I've ever had. I have undergone alot of changes since winter ended and they have all been positive. I now understand that it's ok to love myself and other people. I'm more outgoing than I have ever been. I take care of myself better. I'm happy. A year ago if you'd asked me if I was happy with my life, I would have laughed at you. I was fat, bitchy, judgemental, unemployed, and above all, I was lost.

I'm not implying that Ive been "found", but now i'm wandering, and i'm looking for answers. I've even found a few.

So I might be hanging out with Mike today, definitly supposed to hang out with Kevin. Kevin, by the way, is fucking awesome. He is my buddy before he is my boyfriend, and I really like that. No plans for tomorrow. Tuesday I'm hanging out with Sarah Kotora. I ran into her while I was working last night. I really miss her company and I'm glad I'm going to get to see her before she heads back to school. Wednesday I'm working and then hopefully going to nocturne. Thursday I'm going to look for a new job. Friday I'm working, then maybe going to the pub or something. Saturday is THE BIG DAY. Trance party. Heaven. Endorphin precum.

So I guess that's all for now. <3

Edit- I forgot to mention that while I was at work yesterday, this seventy seven year old black dude told me he'd give me a million dollars to marry him when I turn 18. I thought he was joking until he pulled like 20 hundred dollar bills out of his wallet. I don't know if he was legit, and i would never EVER do it, but it's nice to know that I'm worth that much, even in an ultra-defeminising friendly's uniform. :)
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