*Gasp* An actual update.

Jul 16, 2005 19:03

I really don't know where to start so pardon me if I come off as a little scatter brained in this post.

Got a job. Working at friendly's as a hostess, doing the ice cream thing here and there. I'm not making much, but it's something at least. Hostessing isn't difficult at all, in fact it's a little boring. I'm hoping to start waitressing at the end of the summer though. Hopefully after I've worked there for a while I'll apply at the pub or something and start making more money.

Other than working I've just been ahving a good time. I've been to some pretty nice parties and met alot of really awesome people latley.

I've started seeing one of Scott's best friends. He's a really awesome person and I must say that he is one of my favorite people to talk to. He has a really engaging personality and we've got ALOT in common. There is a problem though, I've had a huge thing for one of his close friends, even before he let me know he's interested. So yeah. Let awkward times commence.

I've got to do something about this nasty little smoking habit.

Ok blah blah blah i dont feel like typing anymore.
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