Oct 10, 2007 20:32
you know whats sad. how pathetic you are. oh i told you from the get go that i was with elise. really. funny that because i have a text message saved from you that says .. this is the end line.. and i quote. " i've waited a long time to find someone as perfect as you. and it sucks that now i have and i have elise. it would be unfair to ask you to wait for me but if you did i would make it worth your while <3".
you never led me on? well i never said you did but now that you bring it up, you really did. what was it you said, you're pretty sure you would have let me do whatever i wanted to you. i could have kissed you.. hell, probably even fucked you if i had the desire and it would have been okay. but suddenly now you never liked me and blah blah blah. whatever. you were right. you are a piece of shit. i was wrong. i thought you were a good person but really, you were just a lonely person looking for anyone to make you feel better. you're a sad story. you're so miserable that its almost funny. don't talk to me like i don't know what happened in our friendship. because i do. i know everything you said to me. and i remember it. funny because i didn't say anything to anybody. it was your ex. sticking up for me because she knows how fucking pathetic you are. you'll hit on anything with a pulse.
i feel bad for your "girlfriend".. though now i know why she doesn't ackowledge your existance. because you're not even worth the breathe to speak about. and you're running around talking to me, talking to some girl in florida and then trying to claim, when its convienient, that you're with elise. you're ridiculous. no wonder you got fucked over so badly by ex girlfriends. because you had it coming. you fuck with people, you get fucked with back.
i could say a lot right now. but i'm not an asshole enough to spread your PERSONAL business all over the internet. so i won't. but know this. i didn't say fucking shit to anybody. you're a stupid cunt and i don't ever want to even remember you exist. you fucking waste.
everyone told me you were crazy. people who didn't even know i liked you but heard your name get mentioned said you were fucking crazy and to run away. i didn't believe them .. but i do now. you were dinner table talk. your name got mentioned and you and your craziness were discussed and made fun of the rest of the night at dinner. sad, isn't it. you think everyone loves you, everyone is on your side, but really, everyone thinks your pathetic and crazy. the only loyal person to you is your best friend and the only reason she is loyal is because she is in love with your vagina. shit, if she weren't such a bitch, i'd feel sorry for her.
you're both a good match for eachother. stupid and crazy. miss i don't play "high school grab ass".. you need to take your own advice. i don't play he said she said bullshit. but apparently, your mentality is a lot lower than i gave you credit for. i figured like 8.. but really its 2.
this is a waste of fucking time. bitching at you. you're not even worth the oxygen on this planet. let alone my time and effort to bitch you out via livejournal.
so fuck you, you miserable bitch. your life is hell and you're not dragging me into it. i know you're miserable enough by yourself. and it'll be even worse when your girlfriend finds someone better (which will happen and be easy because a fucking dog on the side of the road is better) and leaves your lying ass. and when the other girls you're talking to figure out your a stupid fucking cunt. you'll be stuck with nothing. and i will laugh at you. dumb whore. you threw yourself at me and you will every other pair of legs that walk your way. fucking trying to act like i stalked you. lol yeah right. correct me here if i'm wrong but who refused to leave who alone? oh right, you. the only fucking reason i texted you yesterday was because you sent me two picture messages. mixed signals. whatever, i no longer care. you can get fucked.
fuck you, i'm out.
p.s. watch some nip tuck. your nose job is long overdue.
p.s.s. everyone you ever dated was too good for you. all that shit you said about if carrie was going to try to make you jealous with a girl she should pick a good looking one? well, news flash, jackie is 10 times hotter than you will ever be. slut.