i've got a bad feeling about this...

Jul 01, 2007 19:27

So after many people demanding me to update ("yeah right, one person probably demanded!"  - ah, 7th grade) I figured I'd give it a shot. Right now I'm listening to Taking Back Sunday's Where You Want to Be CD... Brings back a lot of memories. Of what, I'm not quite sure. I just remember listening to this a long, long time ago in a galaxy far, far away. An expression written on my face that, with words, can only be described as, "Wow, I remember this..." Music will do that to ya. For example, Boxcar Racer always reminds me of our two week long vacation with the Farrells, Millers, and Mitchells at Lake Powell where we played the shit out of that CD at my suggestion. A Static Lullaby rode with Renny and I during my first couple weeks of High School just as Beardo (Rise Against) accompanied me through leveling in Spindlehalla (DAoC). This is nostalgia at its best, I think. The only thing that really comes close to this feeling is the one I get from inhaling my Pacific Surge deodorant - what I wore constantly my first semester of college. A flood of memories from when I posted up alone to read my court room novels in the library invades my senses at this time and time again. It feels, quite simply, brilliant.

Steve just poked his head in my room and said he looks forward to reading this. Pressure's on.

I've been reading a lot lately it seems. Not just books, either. Magazines, papers, emails, and books of course. Oddly enough, I didn't read a single thing while I was in California a few days ago, save for a few street signs. There isn't really a point to me saying this at all except for I love to boast and brag whenever possible. I just feel my time is much better spent reading things than throwing it into a black hole like World of Warcraft or Myspace - I no longer do either anymore; WoW, because everyone I know who played quit, and Myspace simply because it is beneath me.

Shifting gears back to a few days ago to my Cali trip: the weather was very nice; exceptional even. That concludes what I have to say about my California trip for this time.

This is all I can say right now, as I'm headed out there door. I'll add more to this later for Steve and others who read this (Steve). I really just wanted to post what I had now so my viewers (Steve) wouldn't be mad when they got home and found nothing posted [again].

Transformers - 'in a word, remarkable.'  I don't know if it's just because I grew up worshiping the Transformers like many kids or what, but I absolutely loved this movie. Characters (Even Stevens), plot, special effects. All of it; utterly beyond reproach. I've seen it twice now, and will probably see it more times before I'm through. Now, though, I just 'wish my car was a Transformer...'

As of late, and I can't believe I'm saying this, I kind of miss school... Not the work (homework, studying) aspect of it, but rather, just going. It gave me something to do; something to concentrate on. Without it, I won't say I feel lazy, because I don't, I just don't feel like I'm doing much if that makes sense... I don't know. Perhaps its just my current state of boredom provoking this entire thought process, I can't be sure. In any case, I'll be going back this fall - whether just for night classes or full time, I haven't decided yet.

My cat sheds entirely too much and its getting to the point where I don't even love her anymore because of it. Her loss.

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