the more you know

Apr 23, 2011 20:57

Is it sad that today I'm most looking forward to school being over so that I can finally finish a Mark/Eduardo fanmix? Ehhh, it's probably all right.

Did you know Andy Warhol was a super-pious secret Catholic who lived with his mom? I sure as hell didn't, but this book I'm reading about his real self makes me want to get him in a headlock and ruffle his fake, fake hair.

Did you also know Patrick Stump has bipolar? I don't know why I didn't know that. It's not like it really changes anything, just surprised me. I can't believe that after all these years I am STILL itching just a little bit to draw Pete and Patrick smooching. Seems kinda sad now, though. Fandom's all tumbleweed-blowy and quiet, and heyyy, maybe it is a little sad that FOB broke up.

I was going to do a paper on this painting by Joan Mitchell, but couldn't find enough written about her, so Warhol it is. Let's see if I can crank out seven pages tonight. Maybe four? Three? Four.
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