OOM of theatre-going

Dec 29, 2009 16:29

Cata thought this through a bit, before extending the invitation. Bringing someone into the Guild itself struck her as ill-advised, if only because she could hardly work out how to explain Milliways to Sam; forcing the topic with everyone else would be a bad move.
Fortunately, she's noticed over time that the door lets her out of Milliways to the place she came in from - and she had the good luck to find one near the market. That should serve the purpose quite nicely, given that the market is usually busy enough that an extra person can go unnoticed.
And out here, no one's going to ask too many questions of someone in the company of an assassin.
The market is rather busy, despite the chill in the air; people have just bundled up against the cold. It's a sunny afternoon, with a light wind promising an even colder night - but there's a few hours yet before that becomes a pressing concern.
Once they're both through the door, Cata turns to the Medic and smiles. "Welcome to Bistort."
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