room description (number pending)

Jul 09, 2008 19:23

Cata's room is very much like the flat in Bistort (for business purposes) that Mizzamir's meddling made her abandon, which was in turn influenced by quarters in the guild: Sparsely decorated, dark colors (blue, green and black, in her case), queen-size bed, large mirror, cabinets for poisons and weaponry. She won't necessarily need those cabinets in the inn, of course, but she expects them to be there. The room also has a fairly large closet (that Pratchett line about it being a terrible insult to kill someone while badly dressed? Holds true in Cata's world as well).

There are two pictures on the wall across from the cabinets, of a quality surpassing any drawing or painting she's seen before. One shows her former husband and children (one boy, about four years old, and two girls, about six and two) at some point before she recovered her wits; the other features the same people, but changes with each fresh entrance to the inn, apparently reflecting what they're up to at her present time.


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