RP LOG: Oishi and Eiji

May 15, 2008 16:22

Who: Oishi and Eiji
What: late night AIM chat session
Where: Online
When: last night

chocolatesfanboy: Oishiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!!!!!!!!!1
GoldenFishes: Hi, Eiji!
chocolatesfanboy: ne ne ne did you see? ochibi's back!!!
GoldenFishes: I saw.
GoldenFishes: I was surprised!
chocolatesfanboy: i can't believe he came back so soon. i bet he missed us :D
GoldenFishes: Haha, probably.
chocolatesfanboy: :3 too bad his match with tezuka was probably all private and stuff. that would have been fun to see
GoldenFishes: Ah. They really get serious when they play. It's like nothing you've ever seen before. Or something like that ^_^;
chocolatesfanboy: do you think this might convince tezuka to say? :3
GoldenFishes: I don't know, Eiji...
GoldenFishes: That's Tezuka's own decision to make. Even if we don't agree with it, it's his future.
chocolatesfanboy: but he shouldn't leave us, it's not fair! plus he's missing out on the best years of his life. mou, but you're right. i bet he thought about all of this anyway. it's still not fair.
GoldenFishes: It's not.
chocolatesfanboy: OKAY, let's talk about something happy! how's little me doing? :D?
GoldenFishes: He's doing just fine. He tried to over eat yesterday, so I had to take him out of the tank long enough for everyone else to get some food.
chocolatesfanboy: :O oh no! i hope he's getting enough excercise
GoldenFishes: He is. He swims a ton of laps around the tank everyday. Like you.
chocolatesfanboy: MEAN OISHI! >O i don't run that many anymore!!!1
GoldenFishes: Hahaha, you're right. Sorry ^_^;
chocolatesfanboy: nyeeeeh i should hit you for that tomorrow
GoldenFishes: If you hit me, I might get hurt, and then we wouldn't be able to play anymore.
chocolatesfanboy: D: D: D: don't you joke about that!
GoldenFishes: Sorry! Sorry! OTL
chocolatesfanboy: ;; you'll make me sad
GoldenFishes: ...I'm sorry, Eiji. I didn't really mean it.
chocolatesfanboy: i'll have to smack you for that, too :|
GoldenFishes: I deserve it.
chocolatesfanboy: oh boo this is no fun if you're so hard on yourself
GoldenFishes: -__-; Eiji
chocolatesfanboy: :P
GoldenFishes: Did you finish your homework?
chocolatesfanboy: uuuuuuum
chocolatesfanboy: :3
GoldenFishes: I'll take that as a no.
chocolatesfanboy: heeee
GoldenFishes: What am I going to do with you?
chocolatesfanboy: keep me for the rest of your life. you're never gonna get rid of me~~
GoldenFishes: Hahaha, that's true. I probably couldn't even if I wanted to.
chocolatesfanboy: but who would ever want to? :D
GoldenFishes: ^__^;
chocolatesfanboy: hehe >;D
GoldenFishes: Did you manage to get a hold of Momo?
chocolatesfanboy: yep!
GoldenFishes: Oh, so you had fun?
chocolatesfanboy: uh huh! you know those shooting games? i totally won this really cute stuffed bear and i gave it to this equally cute girl mari. i have a date for next saturday~!
GoldenFishes: Oh? That's great! I'm sure you'll have a good time.
chocolatesfanboy: yep! she's super nice and she's a ballet dancer and i'm gonna teach her how to play tennis and she's gonna try to teach me how to dance! XD
GoldenFishes: Sounds fun.
chocolatesfanboy: yup! ^___^
GoldenFishes: Well, I should head to bed now. It's getting late. Do your homework!
chocolatesfanboy: alright, alright
chocolatesfanboy: sleep tight Oishiiiii~
GoldenFishes: Goodnight, Eiji.

kikumaru eiji, oishi syuichirou, script log

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