RP Log: The Redheads

Jul 16, 2008 05:03

Who: Davide, Marui, Kin, Sengoku, and Kamio
What: Redhead team practice - Marui vs Davide, and a rematch between Kamio and Sengoku
When: This afternoon
Where: Tennis courts
Rating: PG

Davide: *rallies against a wall, increasing the power, practicing with Marui*
Kamio: *runs laps, earphones blaring a little, keeping his body in the rhythm*
Kin-chan: *running after Kamio with a tire strapped behind him on a rope, because Sengoku suggested it!* Hi! Bye! *passes by Kamio*
Marui: *kinda likes Davide's style-- except he doesnt like it when he puns*
Kamio: >:| *grrrr* *runs faster to keep up!* C'mon back here, you!
Kin: *laughs* No way! If I stop running, Sengoku-buchou'll get mad! *keeps running*
Davide: Good thing it's summer. We won't trip as much as we would fall season. *snort*
Kamio: I'm upping my rhythm kid! >:D Think you can keep up? *breathes hard, fiiiinally catching up to Kin*
Marui: .... What? *misses the ball* ... Stop doing that! *gets distracted, goes to fetch the ball*
Davide: Sorry. :\ *rubs the back of his head, waits for Marui to serve it back over*
Kin: 'Course I can! *runs faster* Can't catch me, Kamio-sempai!
Marui: *serves, and runs to the net*
Sengoku: *keeping an eye on his team, taking notes for this week's lineup*
Kamio: Will too! *switches the music on his ipod to something faster*
Davide: I hate it when you come up to the net. *serves it back over* I always feel a little fishy.
Kin: *running laps and having fun! Doesn't get this at Shitenhouji!*
Marui: *tsuna-watari's the ball* I said stop that! *but it was kind of funny*
Kamio: *so not fair. how can the kid even DO that!* *panting hard as he tries to keep up*
Davide: It's fun though. :3 Not as fun with no one to hit me. *walks after the ball with his long racket, rolling it back up onto the gut*
Kin: Kamio-sempai, keep running or you won't catch up to me~~ *is halfway done with the lap around the courts*
Kamio: I'm trying dammit! *runrunrunrunrun~!!!*
Marui: Want me to hit you? *hits the ball over the net*
Kin: *chants* Run, run, run~~
Davide: *rallies it back easily* Maybe if we play doubles.
Kamio: *chanting somehow helps, what the hell* Run, run run! *quickly falling into Kin's rhythm, catching up to him a liiittle bit more*
Marui: *runs back for the ball and hits it back to Davide* Maybe I will!
Davide: *drop volleys it back* Whatever you do, don't punish me too hard. *snort*
Kin: You caught up :-D *is happy!* Run, run run~
Marui: *runs and catches the ball just in time* Just hit the ball!!
Kamio: Ahaha - damn, kid, you're - a - fast - one. *keeps up* Dunno - how - long - my - stamina ...can hold out though.
Davide: *lobs it back to keep it away from the net* Since you're so nice about it.
Kin: You gotta breathe properly, sempai! That's the trick! Or at least, that's what Osamu-sensei said.
Kamio: S'that it - then. *breathing way too hard now, but keeps pushing himself forward anyway*
Marui: *tsks again, doesnt like running around-- hits the ball and-- too far, lands outside* Che. :/
Kin: Careful you don't faint, sempai! *runrunrun~runrunrun~*
Davide: Guess your courting attempt didn't work, cause I'm not in love at all. *hops back into position*
Kamio: Who said I was gonna faint? *finally stops after a while, hands on his knees, catching his breath*
Marui: Oh, haha. *serves again and tries to aim it at Davide's head*
Kin: Don't faint okay? *waves at Kamio and just keeps running*
Kamio: *secretly......think Kin's a superhero. gotta be*
Sengoku: *notes: extra stamina training needed*
Davide: Owww. *rubs his head* :\ You messed up my hair, man. Not cool. *sets his racket down and sets about to fixing it back*
Davide: *not at all fazed by the blow though. has faced worse than balls coming at him at several km per hour*
Marui: *shrug, smirks* Keep your eye on the ball, man. Ready? Here I go again! *takes another ball from his pocket and serves*
Davide: *reacts quickly, racket out and ready to serve it right back*
Marui: *really hates chasing after the ball-- has to work on keeping close to the net*
Kamio: *grabs his waterbottle, takes a couple of gulps just to make his side start hurting, and starts running after kin again*
Sengoku: Kamio! Don't over-exert yourself! Save your energy! *really has to get team to have extra stamina training*
Davide: *is nice, rallies it softly over so that Marui can come up to the net again* Well, then, c'mon~!
Kamio: I gotta beat him though! >:O *stubborn to a fault* I almost did before!
Marui: *hurries after the ball; plays best near the net!*
Kin: *giggles because it's kinda funny* You can do it, sempai! *passes by Kamio on his nth lap*
Davide: *comes on up to the net too, attempting to figure out how to return it*
Sengoku: Don't get yourself killed, Kamio! :/
Kamio: *chases after him for a while, gets fatigued again, and stops* ><; *comes back* Dammit. Stupid rhythm. *mutters, stretching his legs out to cool off*
Marui: *techuu-ate's the ball to the other side* Heh. Genius.
Davide: *loooong reach, manages to find the ball where it drops and just barely lob it over* Is that what you call yourself?
Sengoku: *comes up to Kamio* Go rest yourself first-- I don't want you to pull a muscle and not be able to play this weekend.
Marui: It's what I am! *runs for the ball to smash it to Davide's side of the court*
Kamio: Yeah. *still breathing hard, finally just lays back down on the court, mmm, feels good...*
Davide: I believe you, I believe you! Really! *aww, misses the shot* Not bad.
Sengoku: *drops him a fresh towel* No more running until you've recharged. ANd don't outrun Jungle boy if you can't.
Marui: Heh. See, I am a genius. *back to the baseline to serve*
Kamio: Thanks. *takes the towel and rubs his face a little, stands and heads towards the bench* I probably could. Eventually. >< *if the kid wasn't secretly a mutant*
Sengoku: I know you can. *pats him on the shoulder and follows Kamio to the bench*
Davide: Fine, I'll concede to your far superior intelligence. *snorts like it's a pun - just returns the serve*
Kamio: *drinks more water, leaning forward on the bench to watch the matches going on*
Davide: Fine, I'll concede to your far superior intelligence. *snorts like it's a pun - just returns the serve*
Kamio: *drinks more water, leaning forward on the bench to watch the matches going on*
Marui: *tries to make Davide run for the ball, however possible it is with his damn long racket*
Kin: *still running laps* -- How many more laps, Sengoku-buchou??
Sengoku: Until Marui and Davide are done with their match!
Kin: Okay! *keeps running!*
Kamio: He's pretty good, isn't he? >> *eyes kin. how the hell is he not getting tired*
Davide: *juuuust keeps returning them nice and deep so that Marui has to face off against him from the baseline*
Sengoku: ...Yeah. It's a little amazing... and maybe a little scary, too.
Kamio: Shitenhouji is pretty awesome though. *thinks about the breathing thing -- prolly something to that...*
Marui: *haaaaates being pushed back to the baseline!!* ...damnit! *hitting the ball harder and aiming for either side of the courts*
Davide: That's what beavers generally do in a situation like this. *is mostly able to shorten the distance with the length of the racket*
Sengoku: Fudoumine's pretty amazing, too. So is Rokkaku and Rikkai. *watches the match*
Kamio: *nods quietly* Dunno how the hell we keep losing.
Marui: *hates the puns as much as he hates the baseline* I said-- *goes for a smash again* --stop that!
Sengoku: *shrug* Bad decision making on my part, I guess. *sigh*
Davide: *damn, loses that one* ...Guess that's match point. Nice game :D
Kamio: I don't know. *kinda crabby* Maybe we're all just too damn stubborn.
Sengoku: Haha! I guess we are.
Kamio: Our doubles pairs don't work well together and our singles players aren't the best against other singles.
Kamio: *hmphs* We just - gotta win this weekend's match. ><
Sengoku: *pats Kamio on the shoulder* Don't worry. I'm sure we'll win.
Sengoku: *ponders for a moment* Got any suggestions as the new captain of Fudomine?
Kamio: *shrugs* I...dunno. Atobe's team has lots of good singles players. If we focus on our doubles...we could probably win those matches.
Kamio: And Kin-chan's good enough to beat any of 'em. That should be three matches....
Kamio: But I dunno. We'd have to really kick ass. ><;
Marui: Here goes the last one--! *serves-- wants to win, damnit*
Sengoku: We kick ass enough-- we just have to stop kicking each other's, and kick the other team's.
Davide: *isn't gonna give it up all that easily, sending it right back across the middle line*
Marui: *hits it back and runs to the net-- won't let Davide push him back*
Davide: *dammit, tries to return it back* Dammit~ c'mon.
Kamio: Exactly. We could...I dunno. :\ It's almost a good thing though. That we're losing.
Kamio: As stubborn as we are, only helps us to be more under pressure. Makes us really wanna win, y'know?
Marui: Keep up! *stubborn enough to keep himself near the net and try to return all the balls from there*
Davide: Fine, I'll get into your little net play. >:\
Sengoku: It certainly looks that way. *nods* Maybe we'll win this weekend, if this keeps up.
Davide: *returns it back, running up to the net to smash it into Marui's court the next ball*
Kamio: Always good to keep hopes up. >>;
Marui: *has to dive to return the ball!*
Sengoku: Think Positive Genki! *likes bad Engrish*
Davide: *wasn't expecting that, can't get to it in time*
Kamio: ....suuuuuuuuuuuure. uu;
Marui: .... Heh. *griiiins* Good game. *thought he was gonna lose again; stands up*
Sengoku: Won't hurt to be positive, you know. *takes note of match results*
Davide: *wipes his brow* Not bad not bad...
Kamio: What're you talking about? >:\ of course I'm positive!
Marui: Naturally. I'm a genius, you know. *shakes hand with Davide, it's only polite to*
Sengoku: Haha! Wanna play the next match, Rhythm-kun?
Davide: *shakes hands, grinning* Sure, sure, smart guy.
Kamio: You're on. Try not to lose again, and don't call me Rhythm-kun. ><
Sengoku: *laughs again* Alright, alright! Marui! Davide! Cool down before practicing again. Go run some laps. *shoos them off the courts*
Davide: *grins, starting off in a jog* Sure thing, buchou.
Kamio: *rolls his arm, cracking his joints, hopping from one leg to the other* I'm in my rhythm, so watch out~ *grin*
Marui: Yeah, whatever. *gets himself some gum before running laps*
Sengoku: We'll see. *stretches first before heading on the courts* Which?
Kamio: Rough. *smirks*
Sengoku: *spins racket and lets it land--* Your serve.
Kamio: *taps his foot, focusing on his breathing, lifting a ball up - aaaand serves it over*!
Sengoku: *easily catches up to it and returns the ball*
Kamio: *quickly returns it back, planning on going all out if he has to*
Sengoku: *applies some boxing techniques here and there-- short but strong returns and quick footwork*
Kin: *resting on the bench since Marui and Davide's match is over, and watches Kamio's match* Gambare~~! *cheers for the team*
Kamio: I'm not - gonna go easy on you! *determined, speed increased, running forward into his shots*
Sengoku: Wasn't counting on it! *concentrates on the match, determined to return everything sent his way*
Kamio: *smashes the ball into the other side of the net, watching Sengoku's movements and running to the other side*
Sengoku: *quick footwork gets him to the ball and returns it easily-- won't lose to Kamio again*
Kamio: *they haven't - even gotten to a point, yet*... *just rallies hard, as hard as he can, desperate to win*
Sengoku: *will not give up; doesn't mind if the match takes forever-- will always take back a game if he loses one*
Kamio: *already is heavily exhausted by the time the score is 5 games to 5, still wants to beat Sengoku, dammit! ...* *tries to not show signs of his fatigue, still hitting hard against Sengoku*
Sengoku: *won't be easy on Kamio even if he's tired-- knows Kamio would hate it, so he just keeps returning all his shots-- the training will do them good*
Kamio: You've gotten pretty damned good. *sweating hard, returning a smash with a sonic bullet*
Sengoku: I could say the same for you-- *has to catch up with the ball to return it* Better than the last time we played!
Kamio: Damn right I am. *just barely hanging on, doesn't care that they're going into a tie breaker - misses another shot*
Sengoku: Don't disappoint me now! *his serve in the tiebreaker, will keep hitting as hard as he could until the end of the match, win or lose*
Kamio: I won't, dammit! *he smashes the ball finally, unable to keep on his knees, tired out completely*
Sengoku: Stand up, Kamio! *returns the ball, wants to see how far Kamio's limit has gone*
Kamio: *manages to get up on his arms, eyes clenching* Fuck - *watches the ball go by, the seventh point in the tiebreaker.* FUCK! ><
Sengoku: *stands there for a moment to catch his breath-- Kamio plays a hard game-- before walking over to Kamio's side of the courts to help him up* .... You did well.
Kin: *runs up to them with bottles of water* Kamio-sempai!! You were amazing!! :-D
Kamio: *rolls on his back, breath rasping* .....haha...ha. Thanks. *takes the offered hand*
Sengoku: You know. If you weren't chasing after Jungle boy here, you could have won. *supports Kamio and takes him to the benches*
Kamio: *flops down on the bench, taking his towel and wiping the sweat off his brow* Dunno, you put up a pretty damn good fight.
Kin: That's because he's buchou! *sits next to Kamio*
Sengoku: Ehh, that doesn't have anything to do with this. Go play against the wall, kid *ruffles his hair and shoos him off; won't be able to beat Kin anyway*
Kin: That's not fun :-( *goes anyway*
Kamio: *snrk* Guess he's got a point. *slumps against the bench*
Sengoku: *shakes his head* That really doesn't have anything to do with it... *sits down and takes his towel to wipe off his sweat* ...So. What do you think of playing Singles this weekend?
Kamio: ...That'd be pretty sweet. *can't help but laugh a little* But you're pretty awesome anyway.
Sengoku: Hey-- you've got what it takes. Maybe I'll give you Jungle boy's singles one spot this weekend. *grin, might be kidding*
Kamio: *pants softly* You think so? Heh. Maybe. *totally thinks Sengoku's messin' with him* I gotta take a shower. *groans at the thought of getting up*
Sengoku: Well, I still gotta submit the lineup-- who knows where I'll put you *friendly wink* Lemme help you to the showers, we can wrap up practice for today.
Kamio: Good luck with that. *stands finally, quivering just a little from the hard match* -- *finally takes Sengoku's offer on the help to the showers*
Sengoku: *announces that pracitces are over, everyone can go off, but if they still want to train, they can* .....Want me to give you a bath instead? *joking, but kinda serious here-- Kamio looks like he'd collapse if left alone*
Kamio: *snorts* I'll...be fine, really. *leans on him*
Sengoku: Just looking out for my team ;D *takes him to the showers*

tooyama kintarou, sengoku kiyosumi, kamio akira, amane hikaru, script log

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