Nov 12, 2005 18:42
I swear the following is an honest and true testemony.
Last night. 11:19 pm. I am in bed. Brett is on the computer. Generally being quite and lazy as we do not have a day off until next Thursday, and even then it is questionable. Anyway, I hear the screen door slam and assume Brett is either coming or going to smoke outside. Then I hear a strangers voice. "Hello! Brett! Hello!" Umm...what the fuck is what is going through my head. Brett answers "Yeah?" I get out of bed and step into the bedroom door and look into the hallway. It is my upstaris neighbor (Yes, the one I have never really met) He starts yelling 'Why did we turn the fucking heater off!'. I explain in my firm voice that this is something we have no control of. He says something like he is the nicest guy you could know to whic I reply "Well, you are the one walking into my home late on a Friday night being confrontational!" This whole thing went on for something like 10 minutes before he showed himself out of my home. I have satrted locking the deadbolt and get startled by little sounds at night.