Jul 09, 2006 11:49
Three weeks ago my husbands Xbox 360 started to freeze.
He called the Xbox support number.
They told him it was no longer under warranty, would cost $130 to fix, flat. He said, is there another way? Support said fix it yourself. So we did.
A week later we took the casing off and blew all the dust and crap off with compressed air. Then it stopped working all together.
Called again and told support, we want to pay to have it fixed now. Support says that now, it is under warranty and that if we had not tampered with it, they would have fixed it for free. But since we did tamper with it, Microsoft would not fix it at all. Not even touch it. So I said, that's bullshit. You guys re giving me shitty information and I need this taken care of. They said okay, I'll have someone call you back.
Never happened.
Called again today and they said, I can have someone else call you back again, but they're going to tell you there is nothing I can do about it. FUCK THAT! I WILL GET THIS FUCKING THING FIXED IF IT KILLS ME! MY HUSBAND WILL HAVE AN XBOX IF IT KILLS ME! TO SAVE MY FUCKING MARRIAGE I WILL KICK MICROSOFT IN THE NUTS UNTIL THEY SOLVE THIS FUCKING PROBLEM!!
If anybody out there knows of any way I can get through to these fucking cocksuckers, please let me know.