Fandom Year Review 2010

Dec 29, 2010 19:55

AHOY THERE, LJ! I promise I haven't abandoned you. In fact, I think about writing here quite often! On the other hand, finding the time to do so is another story. Ever since the holiday season rolled around, I've been knee-deep (or more?) in work. Things get especially hectic towards the end, when everything needs to be wrapped up in order to start afresh with the new year.

Usually, this is my favorite time of the year, but I really hope things start to settle down soon.

I'm planning to make a separate entry dedicated to the gifts I received for Christmas, as some of them are quite precious. However, in the meantime, I decided to fill out this geeky questionnare that I took from aimeekitty. :3

Your main fandom of the year?

I'll go ahead and say Team Fortress 2 because...c'mon, wasting hours watching youtube Gmod vids, fanart, and fanfic... I even made a Fan Soundtrack for it! This is honestly the most "active" I've been in a fandom since...Okami? I usually just lurk and admire other people's work, but I felt compelled to contribute something of my own. Now if I would just play the darn game. :P

Your favorite film watched this year?

Urgh, I can't pick just one...! I'm an avid movie-watcher, so excuse me while I make a list.

-The Ghost and Mrs. Muir: Don't let the year it was made deter you from seeing this classic. This is an incredibly romantic movie without being sappy. Believe me, I'm not too keen on classic/romantic ones, but I really admired the chemistry between the two characters, and the story itself withstands the test of time. Just writing about it makes me want to watch it again!

-How To Train Your Dragon: I was pleasantly surprised at how enjoyable this movie was! It definitely exceeded my expectations, and threw in a couple curveballs for good measure. For example, I expected Stoick to be an ass, and...he wasn't! Also something happens to Hiccup at the end. There really needs to be more wholesome & original films like this out there.

-Toy Story 3: Okay, I'll admit I never saw the second one (never really had the desire to) but THIS. MOVIE. I don't know how they did it. But they did. NOSTALGIA PUNCH TO THE GUT. It's very much directed towards those of us who watched the original as children and are all grown up now; It clearly tackles the subject head-on. :S It kinda made my heart hurt, but in a hopeful way.

-House: Should I even include this on here.........yes. Trippy/experimental Japanese flick from the '70s. About a haunted house and a demonic cat. Oh, and a gaggle of girls who get picked off one by one. I was GREATLY amused, at the very least!

-WALL-E: Such a poignant and sweet story. :') The first half felt like a student film, partly due to the lack of dialogue and introspective nature, which I adored. The good-nature and sense of innocence in the characters really won me over. (and i can forgive the whole Johnny 5 rip-off thing)

-Tron Legacy: My latest fandom. DO I REALLY NEED TO EXPLAIN THIS? It's just such a fun & badass movie! You know it's doing something right when I want to see the original afterwards. Considering that, though, it does make me a tad melancholy. NEEDS MORE TRON. :C I was definitely expecting one last showdown between him and Clu 2.0 towards the end of the movie. UGH IT WOULD HAVE BEEN SO PERFECT. and maybe a little trite. BUT WHATEVER.

(I would probably include Inception here as well, but I have yet to see it. LOLLLLL)

Your favorite book read this year?

Uhhhh, Wicca in the Kitchen? Considering I actually finished that one, hahhhh. I'm embarrassed to say that while I love books, I have a bad habit of leaving them unfinished, particularly when it comes to fiction. I'M REALLY STOKED TO BEGIN KAVALIER & CLAY HOWEVER

Your favorite album or song to listen to this year?

I listen to individual/singular songs moreso than whole albums, but these are fairly solid throughout:

Tron Legacy Soundtrack by Daft Punk
Up From Below by Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros
Before We Stand...We Crawl by Hungry Lucy

As for songs,I'm really liking The Go! Team's "Buy Nothing Day"

Your favorite TV show of the year?


Your favorite LJ community of the year?

Eeesh, I'm not really active in any fandom comms. film_stills always has interesting stuff.

Your best new fandom discovery of the year?

Er, well, all of these are new to me this year, but... Team Fortress 2?

Your biggest fandom disappointment of the year?

Probably the LOST series finale. I WAS SO INVESTED IN THAT SHOW. I seriously never missed an episode. and. I honestly felt like it was a total cop-out. I still cried at the end, but. DOESN'T MEAN IT WAS GOOD.

Your TV boyfriend of the year?

Uh-uhm... Captain Jack Harkness from Doctor Who. (i haven't seen Torchwood yet)

*____*;; Looooove John Barrowman.

Your TV girlfriend of the year?
Rose Tyler (also from Doc Who). DEM LIPS. DAT MASCARA. I miss her shenanigans with The Doctor.

Your biggest squee moment of the year?

When my friends pitched in to buy TF2 for me. C:

The most missed of your old fandoms?

I wish I was still up-to-date on Supernatural. :c I'm unable to see it since I work late nowadays. Even then, I don't have the same fervor as I did for it last year. The first few seasons are AMAZING, but recently it's kinda going off in a direction that I think is a little predictable, with demons and the Apocalypse and all. I miss the simplicity of two brothers traveling the country and dealing with those troublesome, folkloric baddies. Ever since they got all mixed up into the whole End of the World thing, it kinda lost me a bit. I'm still curious to see how it goes.

The fandom you haven't tried yet, but want to?

Well, I did get into Sherlock Holmes briefly at the beginning of the year. But I have yet to see the new BBC Sherlock series! It seems to be getting a positive response.

Your biggest fan anticipations for the New Year?

Gosh, I dunno...working on TF2 Medic cosplay? :D IT MUST HAPPEN. I'm not giving up!

TO ADD: WHENEVER OKAMIDEN IS COMING OUT!!! That game will totally rekindle my already blatant love for Okami. Best played during winter, all snuggled up with a delicious hot drink. So many good memories with that game.

Yeah, I'm not one for exclusive favoritism.

work, movies, fandom

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