Characters: Susan Bones, anyone else
Location: The Three Broomsticks
Date: 30 May 2000
Status: Public
Summary: Susan spends her Saturday in Hogsmeade and treats herself to dinner.
Completion: In Progress
Susan had to get out of London. She was sick of work and busy streets, automobile traffic and the Ministry of Magic, so she decided to spend the day in Hogsmeade. No Muggle car horns, no pollution or electricity, just the pure simplicity of the little Wizarding town.
When she stepped out of the Floo at the Three Broomsticks earlier in the day, she'd grinned, and when she'd stepped out into the fresh air on High Street, Susan had breathed more deeply than she had in ages. She'd spent the afternoon walking the streets alone, ventured into Madam Puddifoot's for tea to take home with her, and returned to the Three Broomsticks warmed through with sun and feeling satisfied after a significant amount of time away from work and the city.
Susan marched right up to the bar and ordered herself a glass of wine and opened up a menu, trying to decide what she wanted to eat. It was nice to get away and Susan was going to treat herself to a much-deserved break and a fresh meal which she didn't have to cook herself.
She took out the newspapers she had with her and spread them across the counter, but instead of looking first for news that had to do with her job, as she normally would have on a weekday, Susan passed over the Daily Prophet for the London Times and went straight for the Arts & Entertainment section for something light-hearted. The heavy stuff could wait.