Characters: Draco Malfoy, open
Location: Slug and Jiggers Apothecary
Date: 23 March 2000
Status: Public
Summary: Draco's at work and none too pleased by that.
Completion: Complete.
Stumble out of bed and tumble to the kitchen//pour myself a cup of ambition )
Comments 60
For one thing... Her fingers. Even if she carried out practise, therapy and daily tasks with what was almost her old energy, by the end of the day they were horribly stiff. Apparently this was normal, but Cho found it difficult to be satisfied with her progress when they still made her feel ... Well, useless. Loosening them up again was a chore. A painful one.
And so: potions. She'd been taking a lot of them lately, and she was out of the most important one. Then again, it was questionable which was most important, but for her pride something against the pain was completely imperative. Usually she would go to Mungo's and be given her bottle at therapy, but as that would soon be ending... It was time she visited the apothecary and admitted her weakness to the worldLuckily, Percy had put her in a very ( ... )
Cho Chang, who he'd barely seen or heard of in months. Cho Chang, who'd been taken by that damned wolf. Cho Chang, who he'd known had been taken hostage before the public had heard a single word.
Draco hid behind a customer service smile and politely disinterested eyes. "Haven't seen you in here before. How can I assist?"
Cho had nearly turned to leave, and was in the process of angrily studying her nails when Draco called her by name.
She gaped at him for a moment, gathering herself, and returned an equally vapid smile. It would do to get this over with as quickly as possible. "No, I... I don't come in often, if ever." Pause. Why, why don't I know how to make these things myself? "I was actually wondering if you'd... If you'd have anything for pain. The sort of thing they'd give you at Mungo's."
She cleared her throat. "My hands get a bit stiff, you see."
He scraped the ick off his hands and into a large stone bowl before he added a thin and orangish liquid. "Does a number on them sometimes. Supposed to be wearing gloves, according to all the Dear God You'll Hurt Yourself literature and lessons, but it's pointless to me. Sometimes just have to get in and feel what I'm doing. I've got this olive oil salve that I put on if I've really messed mine up."
And she would. She'd promised herself that, even if it meant making Percy a very fickle fan.
A somewhat sly look. "But Malfoy, isn't it worth saving your hands?"
He glanced at Cho, eyebrow raised. "Isn't what worth saving my hands?"
She made a face, grinning. "You were the one bothering me about mine. Little precautions, etc. Shouldn't you be more careful, if you're going to be a doctor?"
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