Characters: Weasleys and guests
Date: 25 January 2000
Location: Shell Cottage
Status: Semi-private (if a Weasley would have logically invited you, jump in! Add your tag as you join, please.)
Summary: Redheads throw good shindigs.
Completion: Closed. (group thread)
Making my connection as I enter the room//Everybody's chilling as I set up the groove )
He looked at her, and kissed her cheek for confidence or luck and had moved forward through the gate to the house. He reached the door, and let go of Megan so that he could push it and hold it open for her. He was more than excited to be here again, even if the last time had been less than a happy event. He'd take some time at some point to go visit Dobby's grave, he knew, and the memory of all of it was more tangible than he'd thought. It seemed like another lifetime ago, when they had escaped here, to find Dobby dead. And then it had turned around as they'd headed off to Gringotts, to break into that place of all things. Ron glanced at Megan, knowing at some point he'd like to share all that he was thinking with her, so that she could better understand him. He hoped that they'd have some time today, but he wasn't too sure. He flashed a quick reassuring smile at her and then called out, "Hello? Bill? Any Weasleys about?"
He started to disappear again, then re-popped. "'scuse my manners, miss," he said, looking at the girl beside his youngest brother. "Hi and how are ya? He sucker you into visitin' the clan?"
She tried not to let her nerves get the better of her, and tried to keep her posture relaxed. If she was nervous, they'd surely know, and that could lead to uneasiness all around. She kept close to Ron as they made their way up to the door and then clasped her hands together in front of herself while she waited as Ron knocked on the door. She was appreciative of the kiss to her cheek and her smile showed it as she met Ron's eyes once before the door opened, then she saw his older brother standing there and smiled at him.
"Hi," she said. "Yeah, he managed to convince me by telling me how cool his older brothers were."
"Bill! You look fantastic! This is Megan Jones. I did convince her to come, using some sort of persuasive arguement about how great all Weasley men can be," and Ron moved back over to take Megan's hand, "How does it feel to be back, Bill? Is everyone here already?"
He had a slew of questions, and was ready to follow Bill, where ever he would lead.
Curiosity had started to break through the nerves and she was actually becoming more excited about this gathering and meeting more of his family. "Should we go then?"
He stopped at the bushes and looked down at the ground, "He's here. A free Elf," and he bent down, to move the debris that had collected off of the stone, showing her. He looked up from his squatting position, "He helped us. He really saved us at the Malfoy Mansion. They were going to kill us and he got us out of there. But he died in the process."
He looked down and sighed, frowning, "It was another lifetime ago. It feels like it happened to someone else, not me. Certainly not me," and he rose to meet her gaze, "I wanted to show you, for you to see," he said, not sure how to explain the rest to her.
They stopped at a little grave, where he informed her that resting beneath was an elf. He went on to say that the elf had helped to save his life. What happened to Ron during their schooling years wasn't something Megan had been a part of. Everyone knew about Harry Potter, Ron, and Hermione. She doubted anyone but the three of them fully understood what they'd gone through, and she wasn't going to pretend that she could. But if Ron wanted to talk to her about it, she'd listen. There was no questioning that.
She met his eyes, and she too was unsure of what to say. Words weren't her forte anyway, and this was something she had no real way to relate to. "What's his name?" She asked. That was the first thing that came to mind. She referred the elf in present tense on purpose; just because someone passed on, their name was still alive. That was how Megan saw things, anyway.
She didn't say anything at first, just leaned against him and soaked in his words. The last part was a little intimidating, and yet it felt .. oddly right, to her. It scared her, but it was exciting, too. "You know, Ron, I'm not going to pretend for a minute that I can understand all of the things you went through. I.. I can't even imagine." She laid a hand against his chest, just to rest it there. "I'm happy to be here, with you. I think you're pretty great."
He looked down at her face, her hand on his chest, "I've learned so much about myself in the program. I feel better about my abilities and skills, and every day I get stronger and a little bit faster. But I am not quite as sure as I used to be, Meggie. Maybe the world doesn't need another auror. Maybe that is not what I am supposed to be doing with my life."
He shook his head and then put his forehead to hers, "I'm sorry. I get with you, and I start thinking very serious thoughts, grown-up thoughts. I want to be a good man to you, Megan. I want you to be proud of me, and what I do with my life. And I'm not sure, right now. I used to be so confident that this was the right path for me to be on," and he sighed, "I think I am thinking too hard. And look at you," he said, starting to smile down at her, "Your pretty eyes on me, like a little owl, probably going, Whoa! He's lost some of his marbles."
She smiled back at him and lifted a hand to lightly rest against his cheek. "I don't think that at all," she finally said. "I think you're pretty great, Ron. You want to help so many people, people you've never even met. That's very admirable. I am proud of you, but it's not because of your occupation. I think you're amazing. I'm not sure what it is you see in me, honestly. I feel really lucky, to have you in my life."
Her own words surprised her as much as his had. She'd never gotten this close to someone before, or valued a boy she dated. But Ron was so different than anyone else she knew, and none of the same rules she had applied to him.
Ron stepped back, and slid her hand into his, ready to lead them down the cliff to the beach below, "I'm sorry, Megan. I think if you asked any of my brothers they would profess that I am not the serious type, not in the least. In fact, they'd probably be as shocked as hell. I'm sort of the 2nd baby of the family, at least in their eyes, you know? The youngest brother of the bunch, never expected to amount to much," and he let them pause, looking back at the grave, "They don't know me as well as they used to. Maybe George does," and he paused, "And Percy," and he sighed a little.
He stepped closer to her, and pulled her to him, and this time, he kissed her, letting himself get lost in her smells and tastes for that moment, as if fortifying himself before he faced his family. He pulled back, feeling loads better, "Thanks," he said, smiling.
"I think the fact that you've been through so much and you're not completely jaded and serious all the time is wonderful. It'd be so easy for you to just dwell on all the hardships you've had to endure, or soak up the fact that you've been a hero and hold it over everyone. But you're so down to Earth, and just a really, really great bloke."
She smiled as he pulled her to him, and closed her eyes when he leaned down to kiss her. She returned it, pressing her hands against his chest to brace herself as the kiss lingered. When he broke the kiss, she was still smiling. "Anytime."
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