OWL: The Death Prophet

Dec 19, 2008 15:26

Characters: Fenrir Greyback, The Daily Prophet
Date: 19 December 1999, Day
Location: Respective locations
Summary: Fenrir manages to obtain an owl.
Status/Warning: Private/Violence on small animals
Completion: Complete

As he meandered the streets of London, Fenrir watched the skies for a speeding black animal. Finally he spotted a suitable one and pointed his wand at it. "Accio owl!"

Immediately the bird was transported towards the man on the street. It had just delivering a letter from one wizard to a witch, and was enjoying a relaxing flight home when its flight had been aborted. Beating its wings to no avail, it plummeted to the earth.

As soon as it was within reach Fenrir snatched the bird's talons and expertly looped his letter around one of them. It fought him for a moment, but a low wolf-like growl quieted the bird. "To the Daily Prophet. And if you know what's good for you, don't come back."

The letter, written in blood:

The Daily Prophet,

I've been wandering the streets of fair London over the course of the past month. Diagon Alley looks busy as ever, but I wonder why witches never stay out late anymore, and why wizards guard their birds with such ferocity. It used to be so easy to abscond with one right off the street... but I suppose I enjoy when things are more interesting.

I write to you as a concerned citizen. There are many things wrong in this world, and my attempts to right them have not established the end I've sought. The Ministry of Magic is an ignorant organization that consists of the sloppiest 'experts' I've ever seen concentrated in any one place. If one man could cause such horrors, imagine what more could do. It must be disbanded, as its existence imperils the lives of two young women, Cho Chang and Katie Bell, who were not found in the wreckage last Friday. They were taken from the Knight Bus during the chaos. They are relatively alive.

If their loved ones ever wish to see them again, they are to bring the Minister's head to the North Pole as proof that the Ministry has been dismantled. Its hard to sort out whose blood I've been using to write this, it all looks the same. If there is any further question about my sincerity I have attached proof of my word.

I will neither falter nor fail in my task. There exists no place high or low, from the farthest reaches of this world to your cozy homes where any will find a safe haven to hide from this terror of mankind.

Your Death Prophet,
-- Fenrir Greyback

Attached: two locks of hair, one black and one brunette

fenrir greyback, 1999 12, owl post, place: london, daily prophet, complete

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