Characters: Luna Lovegood, Draco Malfoy Location: Draco's building Date: 15th December, 5pm-ish Status: Public Summary: Checking out the flat Completion: Complete
Cookoo was waiting just inside the door for the knock, and when it came, she jumped up and put her full weight into releasing the latch, yanked the door open, and gave a bow deep enough that her ears brushed the floor. Draco had instructed her to be polite, and in her own, rather insolent way, she'd chosen to be exceedingly polite. "Welcome to Contego Terrace, Miss. Please to be coming inside. Will inform master the Miss has arrived, does Miss prefer pumpkin juice or apple juice or orange juice
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Luna stepped into the building, listening to the house elf with wide eyes - an expression that just transferred to Draco when he appeared.
"You named your familiar after the Egyptian god of the afterlife? -- or resurrection, depending on how you look at it." It was a statement rather than a question. She rather hoped he was talking about a familiar, now she considered what she'd said. It would be strange if he had a human friend called Osiris. "She seems nice though," Luna felt she ought to defend the house elf. She had offered juice.
"Lower flats are apparently more popular but I prefer the exercise." She wrinkled her nose slightly, following her trail of thought around her owl, finances, job and back again. "If I were to move to one on the higher floors, you would have the lower ones free." There was some sort of business sense in there, but she knew very little of business unless it involved owls.
"God of resurrection?" Draco looked a bit surprised. "Wasn't aware of that. He came with the name, actually. He's an Egyptian Mau, er, that's a cat." He wasn't at all certain if she'd recognize the breed name and thought he should clarify. "I've also got an owl. But you knew that." He cleared his throat a bit sheepishly. "So clearly I don't have any problems with pets or familiars in the building, if you wanted to bring in your own
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"I think he was murdered by his brother?" Luna frowned slightly as she tried to remember the story, "His wife resurrected him. The only instance I know of that anyone has been able to conceive posthumously." She nodded when she heard the breed of cat, "Related to Kneazles. Oh, I'm sorry if Nous caused any problems." She chose not to mention that Lucifer's present was now being closely guarded in the depths of her makeshift burrow. That would be betraying Nous' confidence
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Comments 14
"You named your familiar after the Egyptian god of the afterlife? -- or resurrection, depending on how you look at it." It was a statement rather than a question. She rather hoped he was talking about a familiar, now she considered what she'd said. It would be strange if he had a human friend called Osiris. "She seems nice though," Luna felt she ought to defend the house elf. She had offered juice.
"Lower flats are apparently more popular but I prefer the exercise." She wrinkled her nose slightly, following her trail of thought around her owl, finances, job and back again. "If I were to move to one on the higher floors, you would have the lower ones free." There was some sort of business sense in there, but she knew very little of business unless it involved owls.
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