Characters:Kingsley Shackleblot, Minerva McGonagall, students
Location:Hogwarts, Great Hall
Date/Time: May 31, 1999 early evening
Summary: Kingsley bids farewell to another school year, while others say good-bye forever
Completion: Complete
Kingsley adjusted the bow tie one more time before walking into the Great Hall, just in time to give a small speech to the graduates. The tables were full with the students laughing, eating and enjoying the end of the year. The Headmistress spotted him and waved him to the head table. He saw several faces from the Ministry as he made his way across the room.
He saw Harry Potter as well as two of the Weasley children. Nodding to the older students as well as some of the younger ones, he stepped up to the head table. Kingsley took Minerva's hands. "Good evening, Minerva. Looks like a good turn out."
"It's better than I expected." The Headmistress was sporting a set of green dress robes and a smile. "Why don't you give a few words before we begin the feast."
He nodded, walking over to a group of Ministry workers. He made small talk with several of them as he waited for Minerva to quiet the crowd. In the five minutes he stood waiting, he found a goblet in his hand. Minerva stood at the front of the professor's table, raising one hand to get the attention of the students. The noise lowered until it was gone.
"Every year begins with a journey along the Hogwarts Express and ends with the same journey, but the journey doesn't end there. For many of you, this will be your final End of the Year Feast and the journey that is the future has yet to begin. I hope that you look back at your years at Hogwarts with pride, happiness and joy. I've asked the Ministry of Magic to join us this year to help celebrate the past, the present and the future."
There was a round of applause as Kingsley replaced the Headmistress at the front of the table. "I would like to thank Headmistress McGonagall for inviting me to this celebration. Every beginning has a middle and an end. Although this maybe the end of a era, it is still only the middle. You all have great futures ahead of you and the knowledge you've learn here will assist you in any path you choose." Raising his goblet, he concluded his speech. Live the life you've imagined."
The students all shouted as many clicked their glasses in a salute. Kingsley stepped down and took the seat to the left of the Headmistress. The previously empty bowls and trays were soon filled with mounds of food and the festivities began.