Slightly more coherant review post of SPN 6.10

Dec 04, 2010 17:33

So having watched it again with my sister last night and once more with my dad this morning, I can honestly say that I really did like this episode. At first I thought it was just because Castiel was in it, but now I think I actually enjoyed the entire story. Full review below. Enter at your own risk since there will be spoilers.

Sam doesn't want his soul back. And you know what? I don't blame him. In fact, I don't think he's really all that bad without it. He's a great hunter, the lack of sleep is a great benifit for the job, and without his emotions his judgments are less clouded. Is he human? Like Castiel said, that's an interesting philosophical question. This also goes back to what Castiel said in Swan Song. Peace and freedom are mutually exclusive. Is freeing Sam's soul really worth it? As it is, the all around conclusion is that even with a restored soul, Sam wouldn't be free in any way, shape, or form, and once again his Hell will be right there with him. The biggest sacrifice in this situation is his relationship with Dean and from where I was standing, it didn't seem like there was all that much to salvage, so I don't think it's worth the risk. Of course he will get his soul back and they'll find a way to "cure" him. I just don't think it's necessary.

For the first time this season, I actually sympathized with Gramps. Yeah he's a backstabbing fuckwad who sold out his own family, but I understood his reasoning. I would sacrifice anyone in my distant family if it meant saving my sister or my mom because they are who I know and love and they are family in my heart, not just in my veins. So Samuel selling out a grandson he doesn't even know and another whose humanity is questionable is understandable because he knew and loved Mary. That being said, Dean was right that Mary probably wouldn't take it very well, so it's understandable but not wise.

I'm one of the few who wasn't sad to see Crowley get offed, and this is for two reasons. 1) He was fun last season, but I found him annoying in all his appearances after the Bobby episode. 2) Well, he accomplished his goal in finding Purgatory. A part of me almost wonders if he lied about not being able to save Sam's soul so he would be killed and sent there. It would seem like a good plan, and so I'm sure he'll be back around the end of the season when they eventually do find Purgatory. Only question now is who will take his place as the big bad?

I think I have finally warmed up to Rachel's Meg. It's a lot like how I was with Genevieve in that I don't think they can act very well but they still manage to bring something to the character that appeals to me. She's no Nicki Aycox, but I'm okay with that. At least Meg's characterization is consistent from the earlier seasons. She always had a strong sexuality and that really comes through here. Oh. And speaking of sexuality.

Let's talk about Castiel. Last season I found the comedy surrounding his character very weak and it almost made me hate him because he'd been reduced to a bumbling idiot. But the moment I realized he was sitting there watching porn, I damn near choked to death on my sprite from laughing so hard. Here's this blushing virgin of an angel who freaked out just being in the vacinity of scantily clad women. For all of his courage and badassery, he's still pretty damn innocent. I'm amazed how in character he felt. It wasn't like 'The End' with his future self bong-deep in drugs and orgies. His total seriousness and sincerity when he asked why the pizza man would spank the babysitter if he truly loved her further showed his innocence in that he interpreted sex as an expression of true love. There really wasn't a carnal bone in his body. Well, I mean none except the one ~*~in his pants~*~!

I know a lot of people were squicked out by that makeout scene between Meg and him because of that whole he's an angel she's a demon thing, but that's actually what I thought was so hot about it. If it had been Sam or Dean to kiss Meg, I'd have just raised an eyebrow at their pathetic desperation to get laid. But when you have our Cas slam her against a wall and damn near fuck her on the spot? It was like freedom and rebellion and wrongness and pure carnality exploding from their bodies and electrifying the air itself. Castiel's an angel, not a saint, and if he wants to have totally hot blasphemous sex with a demon then I see nothing wrong with that at all.

Though on another, less flaily hand, it's kind of heartbreaking that he's so lonely that he'd sleep with an "abomination". Even Meg seemed surprised, almost like she thought it was a ploy. I actually think she's more talk than play, using her sexuality as a sort of defensive mechanism to keep her game face on. I could see her being as in need of connection as Castiel. Wow. I just meta'd that shit. I haven't done this since my Destiel days. Should I be worried? :-/

Only thing I didn't like in this episode was the torture scene. I can't say I'm surprised, but did they really need to torture her by cutting up her vag? They went too far on that one. I don't care if she's a demon in a meatsuit. In the context of this show and their track record with women, it's just the thing Kripke would have done. I thought Sera was above that but apparently she's not.

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