And another thing, dammit...

Mar 01, 2012 22:08

This is largely a reaction to this post from my long-time friend Wes, who is mathematically provable to be likely one of the most intelligent life forms on the planet. In it, he pulls quotes from Founding Fathers of our country regarding separation of church and state, and states in which government runs the church, or church runs the government. He talks about a number of things, but basically it comes down to a sense of comfort versus the struggle and striving of the pursuit of happiness.
I'm happy to have my own views on supreme beings. I don't much like to share them, and sure as hell don't like when someone else tries to tell me that I'm wrong because of something he or she read in a book. I get comfort and a sense of guidance from prayer, but I don't think that this gives me a right or even a calling to bring someone else over into what I think. I sit in meditation to try to quiet my mind and let it hear the voice of god, but I don't think I'm a prophet, and if I ever think I've gotten some sort of Word of Guidance, I always discuss it with another living person who is happy to kick the shit out of any mental masturbation I may be indulging in.
My opinion on religion? Look at the size of the buildings. Follow the money. How much money makes it to the guys with puke on their shoes? How much of it goes for LCD projectors and sound systems and extensions on the gymnasium that was just finished last year? It's big business, elitism, and a way to be intolerant and judgmental while telling everyone about what a fantastic place it is to be tolerant and non-judgmental. yeah, I'm judging. Feh.
One of my favorite books suggests that I "be quick to see where religious people are right," and out of the respect I have for the book, I make an effort to really do that (sometimes, anyway). It just seems that the more nicely dressed the people are on the outside, the less understanding they appear to be on the inside. I don't know why this is, and maybe this only reveals my own prejudices. All I know is, I've learned more of god from a bunch of poorly-attired people who are striving to get to know him better than I have from people wearing really nice clothing who claim to be His Voice.
Anyway, I'm done preaching.

prayer, gratitude, spirituality, recovery, religion

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