i <3 breaking things

Oct 16, 2006 15:47

i hate physics. hate hate hate HATE HATE. but as much as i LOATHE physics class, i really do love the labs and the lab group that i have. today we had the karate lab, which was where we got to break boards with our hands!!!!... and had to do lotsa calculations and measurements and crap that i let all the rest of my group do O:-). so many people were scared of breaking the boards and nobody wanted to try it first, so i went up and destroyed it :D. later i was also the first to break two boards at once. there werent enough for me to try three or four, so boooo. one guy got to do three, but the coolest part was when a girl came up at the end and smacked it in half with her forehead!! hahahahaha, our TA told us we could try it, but i think he was half-kidding :P. i tried breaking one of the half boards (a piece of the aftermath of somebody breaking a board in two) with my hand twice, the first time it failed and really hurt so the second time i tried it karate chop style and tried hitting it a lot harder and faster... but failed that time and it hurt even more o_O. hahaha, i couldnt bend my fingers or feel my pinkie for a while and my thumb was twitching like crazy :D. it was fun tho. its gonna suck having to actually write the lab report.... but yayy for breaking stuff!!!

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