Dorian Gray stumbled across a young doctor named Quincey, not just any boy was this. This young man was the son of Dorian's former lover Mina Harker. The son she thought dead. Quincey's wife was dying and all of this hit too close to home for the normally arogant immoirtal. He rode fast to find Mina and reunite then. Quincey later travelled back to London to arrange some affairs, meeting Helen Magnus.
Dorian meets Quincey.02.
Dorian & Mina reunite.03.
Dorian reunites Mina & Quincey.04.
Mina & Dorian argue.05.
Dorian returns drunk.06.
Mina looks over Quincey's work.07.
Dorian takes Mina & Quincey out.08.
Mina finds an injured Quincey. TIMELINE:
1841: Mina was born
1850: Helen was born
1861: The events of Dracula took place
1865: Quincey was born
1886: Quincey moved to Paris. Helen finds the sample of vampire blood. The Five meet and begin working on it.
1887: Quincey & Maria married. Maria later becomes sick. They manage to create a serum and The Five each inject it, becoming abnormals. Helen receives the gift of longevity
1888: Jack the Ripper begins his killing spree. Helen cryofreezes the embryo and tries to help John. Their engagement breaks off as he flees. Helen later meets Quincey