now with a drabble full of FEELINGS.
You did it, in the end.
There was a small organic noise, and then silence. You could have heard a coin drop.
What you heard, though, was Vriska Serket fall: slow and graceless and still, fadingly, bright.
You caught her. In your arms, she stank of warming green, like the dreadful spread of forests over clean desert land. Like a promise of beasts in the night.
On the asteroid no scavengers would ever touch her body.
“You would have won,” you said, into her upturned ear. You spoke softly in case her ghost was hovering close enough to overhear. The folded skin of her pinna was warm against your lips. “I’ll give you that much, spidertroll, you would have-“
You stopped
a symphony of blueberry and vanilla ice; her perfect laughter, and her perfect light
how it played over his blood, tinting it to something strange and sour as citrus
how smiling she had lifted her sword.)
breathed out.
Laid her to rest, and rose.