So instead of filling any of them prompts I spent the weekend drawing terrible things.
Here is one of them. You can blame Kaylie for this, as I shall demonstrate.
kayliemalinza: so I was thinking, in the hypothetical comic book of Super Sulu, that there could be "helpful info" boxes in the panels? to like, point at Sulu and specify "The glasses mean it's his mild-mannered alter ego! Jim can't recognize him!"
kayliemalinza: and so on
possibly_thrice: HAHAHAHAHA
possibly_thrice: yes
possibly_thrice: i wish i had the wherewithal to actually make this a comic
kayliemalinza: and then the helpful hints develop, and do such things as point at Jim's jeans and specify "isn't wearing underpants"
kayliemalinza: and eventually they start giving totally random tips, like "Avogadro's number is 6 x 10 ^ 23"
possibly_thrice: lkjlkj omg
possibly_thrice: that would be so
possibly_thrice: useful
kayliemalinza: and there has to be one panel where there are so many helpful hints that you can't even see the characters
kayliemalinza: "The GNP of [random African country] is [random number!]"
possibly_thrice: instead of censorstrips, we have trivia!!
kayliemalinza: and like, one helpful hit box tries to explain backstory-- "REMEMBER in Issue #34 where...." and it ends up being so long that it spirals around the entire panel and spilles over to the next page....
kayliemalinza: but there will be censorstrips, too
kayliemalinza: mocking ones
kayliemalinza: "Go look for porn on the Internet, you jerk! This is ART!"
possibly_thrice: that would be the BEST.
possibly_thrice: and instead of sound effects for sulu punching people it'd be like
possibly_thrice: "the release of energy from impact between Sulu's fist and Gaila's jaw is estimated to have been around 4 * 10 ^ 3 joules"
kayliemalinza: awwwwww yes yes, that's awesome
kayliemalinza: and physics diagrams for his amazing leaps from building to building
kayliemalinza: and summaries of the costs of damage repair
kayliemalinza: histories of buildings that are now destroyed
kayliemalinza: "This building was erected in 1907 and has seen the birth of 12 babies... and Super!Sulu just kicked it"
possibly_thrice: HAHAHAHA
kayliemalinza: and finally, one of the characters breaks the fourth wall: "Why do you have to overanalyze everything?? Why can't we just have a fun, stupid superhero fight? JEEZ."
kayliemalinza: Jim says this, probably
possibly_thrice: yessss
possibly_thrice: or maybe bones griping in the audience
kayliemalinza: and in the next panel, a very very small info box points to him: "party pooper."
kayliemalinza: ahahaha Sulu can't have sex unless the info boxes go away
kayliemalinza: he's shy
kayliemalinza: and he, like, pulls the blinds down like the panel is a window
possibly_thrice: awwwwwwwww
kayliemalinza: and Jim is like, "But I just got a landing strip done! I want our faithful readers to see it!"
kayliemalinza: and Sulu's all :|
possibly_thrice: and jim has to wait for uhura.
kayliemalinza: ahahaa so Sulu gets paranoid. eating his oatmeal every morning. It's the same panel over and over, just minute changes in his eyes and mouth
possibly_thrice: fdkfjdfkjdf
kayliemalinza: and Jim shuffles into the panel, squints through the fourth wall, and is like, "Seriously? There isn't ANYTHING ELSE going on in San Francisco right now?"
possibly_thrice: fuck
possibly_thrice: that's intolerably beautiful
kayliemalinza: "He is the hero of our story!" replies the info box
possibly_thrice: i might have to do some sketches JUST FOR YOUR GENIUS