So maybe I SHOULD NOT have stayed home today.....

Mar 23, 2007 17:05

Alright, now, remember kiddies I'm turning the big 2-1 in under 6 months. Like 5 months and 16 days. Not that I'm counting.

I seriously should not have stayed home.
Scratch that.
Seriously should not have watched Runway Moms. (You know the show on Discovery Health that has the models who are pregnant in the modelling agency and they follow their lives before and after they give birth? It's addicting.)

And the mother (who was gorgeous by the way, duh, she's a FRIGGIN' Model) had an Orlando Bloom rival-worthy hubby (yes, rival-worthy!) and an adorably cute son (and big, 8 lbs, 15 oz. *makes mental note to ask for birthweights on first dates...*).

And, like I've been saying for the past 7 months.
The marriage, the cute hubby (well, that's not the ONLY thing I'd like in the hubby but for time & your sanity's sake...), the gorgeous little kid, the house/apartment/shack/Whatever just as long as I'm in love and happy.

IS my biological clock ticking early? I mean, I'm young. But I'm not of that age where it's a sin to have kids. (Maybe I'm just hormonal.....*sigh*)

Now I'm not saying I wanna pop one out tonight. (That's a little hard.... considering it usually takes having a hubby/boyfriend/male counterpart and 9+ months)
No, I still have that traditional thought.
Degree. Career. Marriage. Kids.
But lately, I'm thinkin' of tossin' the career one out the window. I mean, you don't get a lot of jobs as a writer (but I also know I probably won't marry rich. No loss.) but I'd like to be doing SOMETHING. Plus I can write when I'm pregant... and when I settle into a routine and stuff.

And, the mother-to-be on the show was like "I'm the crazy, psychotic pregnant lady but I know it will all be worth it." Well it was a little bit of paraphrasing before the clear phrase of "Get Me My Epidural" (which I plan to have one. I've seen enough of these shows to make my demands known. I'm gonna go in on my first ultrasound --years from now-- and say "Can you make a note of EPIDURAL in your chart? None of this natural birth/ scientology crap that's in the news. Gimmie the drugs."

Alas, my dreams are fantasy. I can probably toss the getting married by 25 out the window. I'm a friggin' Junior and no opportunities on the horizon. That goes for the book I was gonna write too. Maybe I could write my book on the lack of male specimens in my life.

What about you? You wanna get married? Have kids? Prospects? I'm still saying I'm not taking the first guy who asks me out these days. I still have standards... but I'm not wasting my time on definate nos.....

Side note: I'm ordering my new phone tomorrow. COOL!

baby, life, life goals, marriage, hubby, family, 21

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