Apr 02, 2018 01:35
So if you're wondering who I am (not that you really are) here are some random facts (that you probably never wanted to know)
1. I'm twenty years old.
2. I have a strange, slightly grotesque sense of humor. I repeatedly burst out laughing at the movies, while nobody else does. Especially deaths of random extras will make me laugh out loud. I get shhh'd and weird looks, not that I care. Does that happen to anyone else?
3. University's made me happier than I have been before.
4. I try to avoid stepping on the cracks in the sidewalk.
5. My dad and I are part-time brain clones. At least I hope so and that he does NOT think about cute guys making out.
6. I have a pathetic crush on a guy I haven't seen in three years and whom I've actually only met twice.
7. I spend quite a lot of time in the supernatural fandom.
8. I'm a math geek. My pc is currently running at a 100% CPU usage trying to find a new Mersenne prime number. Yes, probably even when you're reading this, because I'm up at the oddest hours of day and night.
9. I sing along to music often and badly :)
10. I've lurked here for at least five years and only now had to courage/motivation to actually post.
11. There's nothing better than good crack!fic.
12. Sometimes I wish Kripke'd go crazy and make Wincest canon, just so I could watch the epic wank that would ensue.
13. I just need something to make this the thirteenth fact. I have a thing for prime numbers.
facts about me