application for theoregontrail

Oct 28, 2011 10:08

AGE: 7/7/89 (22)
PERSONAL LJ: bangafewgongs
EMAIL ADDRESS: nicci.coombs [at] gmail [dot] com

NAME: Dean Winchester (Aliases he's used in canon are as followed.)

• Hector Aframian
• Ted Nugent
• Samuel Cole
• Agent Ford
• Jerry Wanek
• Dr. James Hetfield
• Nigel Tufnel
• John Bonham
• Father Simmons
• Officer Gregory Washington
• Kris Warren
• Alan Stanwick
• Sigfried Houdini
• Detective Turner
• Agent Plant
• D. Hasselhoff
• Dan Hermansen
• Christopher Johnson, Jr.
• Dean J. Mahogoff
• Detective Landis
• Deputy Marshal Billy Gibbons
AGE: Dean is 32, and the age wears on him. He's been through and seen a lot in his life and it shows in the way he carries his shoulders or how he chooses to speak or assert himself. In many ways his age is to key with his appearance, but his experiences make him seem like a much older, much longer lived guy. Dean's lost a lot and even though he placates people, and tries to divert away from the fact there's something far more aged about him and it's evident in comparison to how he behaved and the person he was before the world went to hell.
FANDOM/MEDIUM: Supernatural - Television
CANON PULL-POINT: Shortly after the season five finale, "Swan Song," after he's been living with Lisa for a week.
ABILITIES: Outside of an unusual sense of intuition, keen knowledge and ability to weild all weaponry, take it apart, put it back together by hand. Dean is your average joe. He even goes so far as to call himself a drop out with a GED and five bucks to his name.
CHARACTER PERSONALITY: Dean is a hard one to decipher because he’s so fluently changing all of the time. One moment he may appear to you as completely approachable and friendly and at another time he might radiate the need to be left alone. A lot of that has to do with the fact that he’s rapidly adapting to the environment and situations that he’s being placed in, the rest is more focused toward the reality that he never really had the experience of socially adjusting anywhere. Dean was always on the move and he didn’t believe in long term friendships and bonds that extended past family until he was almost twenty-nine. He’s not an enigma he’s just gotten used to being the “foggy” guy in the room and he's never gone out of his way to change that. It’s still questionable as to whether he’s unsure of himself and where he in fact lies in all of this, if it’s his more definitive personality, or, what he’d like himself to be. Dean doesn’t keep to one standardized image and tends to vary between his personality flaws and habits.

The man is stubborn and biased when it comes to his own belief systems, he prefers to think that his opinions and his assumptions are resolute simply because he’s had to rely on only himself for so very long. It’s not an issue of elitism, he just knows his ideas and evaluations to be true in 90% of the situations that he’s faced. It doesn’t mean he’ll immediately cast aside an offering of ideas or leads but he’s one to always want and have the final say in expressing and acting upon them. This mule headed tactic is often involved in his social connections and family relations as well. Dean doesn’t like to surrender himself in an argument and won’t bend to anyone’s will. History has proven the only two to successfully get him to put aside his idea of the way things should be are his brother and his father, and even that wasn't without a struggle. Dean isn't fond of peer pressure or others swaying him into doing what they think is more preferable and has even gone so far as to do the exact opposite of their wishes if he doesn’t agree with it. His views on himself and the supernatural world (vampires, werewolves, ghosts, demons, and angels) are treated very much the same. It's not without heavy evidence supporting another theory or standpoint that he'll relinquish his opinionated high ground.

Always the prideful creature, whether it comes to just his ideals or people that he respects he can’t see wrong in feeling the way he does about them. Dean behaves like he’s the greatest thing since sliced bread; he carries that ego in his posture as well as in the bridge of his shoulders and is so open about it that it's become very evident. He’s no stranger to what he’s done for everyone and everything and even though the aftermath has dropped this pig headedness down a great degree, it’s still there and true. He's learned to value himself as a person despite the scorn that he has for his mistakes and with people like Sam and Castiel feeding into his ego when he’s doing things right and taking steps in the correct direction the attitude has never really died.

The hunter has a knack for making a crude comment or sardonic joke in the midst of a tense or emotionally stressful situation. While some might contribute this to immaturity in many ways it’s a coping mechanism. Dean doesn’t have time to take every heavy psychological blow that’s thrown at him and instead of allowing it he’ll turn it into a joke to make it easier for himself to deal with. He does this fairly often, despite circumstance, and it’s gotten to be a regular part of his personality.

It's not obvious at all or ever admitted but Dean’s very insecure, not just about himself, and not about anything physical… but more so emotionally. His time in hell showed him just how liable he was to break, that he wasn’t made of stone and cement and that he could be broken. The mistakes that followed were like below the belt hits and he carried those feelings with him for a very long time, buried inside and not mentioned until the finality of everything finally started to make the walls that he’d set up crumble. His time there showed him that he too could snap under pressure and be made into something monstrous (like the things he hunts) and it haunts him, the failure there reminds him of the horrible things he is capable of as much as he never brings them up or admits to it. He’s attempted to mentally separate himself from that side of who he is but he knows that it’s still there and it’s still a plausible piece of him and that realization hurts.

Outwardly, he may appear almost vainglorious in his reactions to people and things. Inwardly, this certainly isn’t the case. Dean is genuine in what he does and says despite the fact that he tries to shroud this part of himself away. It's with cocky superiority and incandescent sarcasm that he keeps the real struggle with who he is, and his trials and tribulations well hidden. He's always been good about keeping himself calm in the face of danger or distress and is very used to facing impending doom and severe situations. Throughout his experience with them he’s learned indefinitely to treat them with a placid recognition. He’s calm, smooth talking, deliberate in everything that he does in these circumstances and in many ways it helps him carry on through them. He doesn’t lose his head as easily and he’s better about accepting the ammunition that’s thrown at him when he’s involved in them. On that same note, Dean can’t be shot down when it comes to being involved in such an issue or situation. He’s head strong, strong willed, and determined. He can’t be diverted from what he’s doing and he won’t stop with it until he’s reached his goals and the priorities he had for what he’s dealing with. It takes death or near death to coerce Dean away from something he’s actively participating in or fighting. He’ll carry out an order or a task until it’s completely finished. He's never liked leaving things hanging and this is only supported by the fact that he’s never left a case at home open ended and always treks trough it until he’s completely finished, no matter how much the circumstances might bother him.

Regardless of how he feels about himself, or about something that he’s involved in, Dean is heroic and altruistic. He’ll put his life on the line to ensure the safety of another person or that they’re freed from whatever is tying them down. He spends hours of his time looking into the things that he’s facing and working against so that he has a better chance of defeating it and saving the people that are involved. You could say the hunter is more cunning than he lets on, that he plays his stupid and arrogant jock routine to divert people away from the fact, but the things supporting this lack of intellect are usually replaced by the excess of street smarts and survival skills that he has in spades. While Dean certainly isn't well versed in book learning and has no college degree he's ahead of most when it comes to simply living and brilliant in his line of work.

Dean at the utmost doesn’t want any casualties, each loss is like a heavy emotional blow to him and he has problems handling that. He’s driven, he’ll do whatever it takes to make sure the situation goes as planned and that his goals and priorities (which are mostly saving everyone that he can) are attained. Dean’s seen and lost a lot in his life and he goes out of his way to make sure that he doesn’t have to add to the body count or the list of failures that he’s had to endure. Despite his thick skin and his ability to carry on through situations that would put most people in a straight jacket, somewhere inside of Dean lies self-doubt, a mass of insecurity, and resentment toward his own choices. Because he’s always burying how he’s feeling the emotional lapses that show this part of him happen in violent bursts. He covets and he scorns for his own needs and he’s human despite the magnificent façade. Inside of him there’s an internal war, and there always had been, even as he was in the midst of a more tangible battle. Dean hardly lets this piece of him win him over and it’s often only when something very traumatic has happened that people see this sensitivity and mournful acceptance of who he is and who he’s become. It takes quite a bit of prodding and analyzing to notice that the stern soldier isn’t what he often pretends to be, or that there’s more layers to him than just the tough jock with a sense of humor that he wants everyone else to see. He’s multifaceted and capable of being just as insecure as he is flamboyantly confident.

It’s not easy to say whether or not Dean is who he claims to be, who he is internally, or everything therein. He’s adaptable, above anything, and changes with circumstance. He’s the kind of man you meet four years prior at the worst of his luck and then see again another three later on top of his game. There are pieces of Dean that are overall too simple to fit under the definition of ambiguous, though it's one that comes to mind more often than not, especially in the company of normal people. He's mysterious, he's intriguing, and he's hard to read. Dean is an ever changing Labyrinth of cryptic personality traits and emotional responses. The composure that he displays is never exact.

Brought up in a strict militant lifestyle Dean always played the part of a good little soldier to his father's directions. With the training and expectations John Winchester held for his two sons Dean was blessed with a knowledge of most beings of supernatural origin and the innate talent to wield most weaponry.

In his years of experience both with John and without he built up a huge tolerance to pain, able to withstand more than an average person, and magnificent bodily endurance. To cope with what he was seeing as a child, and what he had to deal with as a young adult, Dean resides himself to a cool headed, if not humorous, disposition in the midst of hunts and bad circumstance and has learned to shroud himself from the things that might tamper with what he has to do or get done in the more focused upon here and now.

Dean, while speaking English primarily is also educated in both old scripture-based Latin and Enochian. It's nowhere near his most amicable strength and at times he's liable to not enunciate correctly and therefore skew whatever incantation, spell, or chant he's doing... but it is a knowledge that he has attained and knows how to use himself. Enochian, being more represented by symbols than the actual language itself.

Dean also knows a great deal about weaponry, vehicles, and a lot about life. While he got his GED and didn't progress to college like his younger brother, Dean has a great amount of street smarts that offer him credibility despite the fact and is a smooth talker, and virtuoso of swindling when he has to be or when he's posing as someone else to gain the trust and information from suspects and/or victims of what he's hunting

Physically Dean has shown weakness to emotional situations and the memories of his past. He doesn't sleep well, most always having nightmares and it makes him irritable, angry, and promises the inevitable mistake. He's terrified of planes and plane rides. While it doesn't state in canon beyond "planes" that he's afraid of heights it's obviously tied into not having control of the situation or lack of control in what he's venturing into, a problem most people experience with roller coasters and sky diving- utilities for enjoyment. Dean has a small equivalent to a Jerry Maguire complex. Despite his isolative and closed off nature Dean cannot be alone. He needs to have the companionship of someone, anyone, or he'll fall into self destructive and self sabotaging tendencies- also of which is a large fault of his.

As said above, Dean is heavily repressed, and while it may serve him in harder situations this is also a flaw because he's seized himself emotionally to such an extent that he can't show his true colors in the appropriate situations and buries everything to a degree that's so overwhelming, that when he's at a breaking point or facing anything that opens him up to sensitive scrutiny, he snaps. He breaks and he falls into either fits of volatile rage or horrible agonizing bouts of depression.

A definite and living shortcoming of his would be his family, Sam, most importantly. The brothers raised each other while John paid them negligence in his attempt to vindicate their mother, Mary. Sam is the person he's closest to and dependent on to as mentioned many times in canon, unhealthy psychological and emotional levels. He values Bobby Singer (a social contact that became a lot like a surrogate father to him) to a much lesser but still very visible extent, and he handles him differently. The same could be said for the Harvelles and his coworker and less appreciated friend, Castiel.

Beyond this, Dean has a very visible crutch-type attachment to alcohol and food. He's indulgent and gluttonous with both of them. Obviously, for different reasons. He uses liquor as a coping mechanism and food of any kind (call him a food enthusiast) as an emotional pick-me-up. He's also very well attached to his play boys, using sex and foreplay as instant gratification between jobs and a way to feel good despite the heinous battle he's fighting in whatever circumstance he's forced to face. It's a way to feel connected to someone without the emotional baggage in his mind.

WORLD: His canon is as the world normally is for all of us, although most don't know that myth and lore actually has precedence to reality. Dean has spent his entire life hunting things a lot of people have no idea exist. He's seen an apocalypse that was more or less wiped under the rug and people that live in blindness still evolve and change.


THIRD PERSON: It had been a while since the climax of everything and the days felt longer simply because Dean wasn’t used to being rooted to one place. A week felt like years to him and those years had made him grow to resent what happened in Kansas and feel unworthy of Ben and Lisa's heavy respect for him. He started closing himself off, he knew he’d done wrong by Lisa several times, and any failure to Ben specifically was like a bullet to the chest for Dean. His only escape was the whiskey and that came with bitter and lewd behavior, until he ultimately fell back into the same cycle of self loathing that he’d always been in. He didn’t expect it to get any better. He knew he’d become stagnant and allowed himself to resonate in the pain to a degree of numbness that hadn’t been there since a year earlier. He could feel it in himself, the person he used to be. The trigger happy, always angry, always hiding person he’d strove to leave behind. He guessed that a part of it was everything being so monotonous. Every day felt like a chore to Dean. He wasn’t doing anything that meant something to him and it was this irate anxiety that drove him to drink, into the indifferent refusal of being social at all, and to have low tolerance for everyone and everything. He lacked the complacence that hunting had given him and it was being without that which built the same walls that had been there so many years before, reconstructed in the face of the people he‘d grown accustomed to being there in Cicero.

He had friends, yeah, but they were really Lisa’s friends and he didn’t doubt their opinions of him were low. He was never around, when he was, he was drunk or hung over. He was suffering through a promise to Sam he didn’t think he should have to keep. He’d remind himself that all a promise is was a lie with fancy packaging but that truth never seemed to sate him and he wasn’t sure if it was Bobby still being alive that rooted him with a woman he didn’t yet love and a son he never really deserved to have or his often times irrational commitment to Sam that made him feel that way. In the past few months he’d had so many chances to renege the deal he’d made to Sam, the vow he’d made to Cas, and the unspoken agreement he had with Bobby- he just couldn’t bring himself to do it. There was something there, holding him back, and it frustrated him even more. He had a punching bag in the garage next to the impala for those days and nights, he sure as hell couldn’t take his aggression out on the undead anymore so he’d have to settle for some cowhide and chain link.

It was a Saturday morning, about eleven and Dean was already on edge. Unlike the other Saturdays Dean had spent quite a bit of it drinking and nothing was drowning his intolerance. There had already been two arguments between coworkers at the construction site where Dean had to whistle or shout in a gruff tone and point to the street with a hardened glance. "Fight outside, I'm not gettin' bowled over because you assholes can't take your job seriously." Afterward he’d go back to nursing his beer and marking the wood before feeding it through the cutter. He didn’t have the patience to cut it in a completely proportional way, but when he finished sawing over the line made with the wood marker he'd tack the plank where it needed to be with a hammer and nail.

On his break Dean sat back on the steps beneath the half built eaves and let the toes of boots press into the walkway. He still had hunter instincts, he’d know if something was really amiss, but for now there was a poorly made excuse "Takin' my fifteen," so that he could get rid of the anxiety looming at his neck and clamming it up. He was more than content on popping open the lid of his third beer of the day and taking his weight in that to help calm him down. His skin was crawling, his jaw was twitching and if he wasn’t already buzzing he’d have left early to find some kind of hunt, with some kind of thing to kill, despite himself. Sitting down and escaping reality was his only option and the men and women working behind him were too busy socializing to notice that Dean had resigned himself yet again.

FIRST PERSON: [The camera revolves around the room, Dean's bow legs taking it somewhere to be placed on a flat surface and when he finally finds one of adequate height you can see his arm first easing it into position before he ducks his head, steps back with that same awkward stance and gives his viewers a smug grin.]

Mornin'. [ It's evident in his tone that you couldn't get better than to be woken up by him.] I'm Detective Joe Elliott, this is my room, n' this is my bed. [Dean eases back against the bed and crosses his arms over his chest.] Could do better with some magic fingers, but I'm not complainin'. Woke up in Freak town not too long ago but at least I got my health. [His face borders on an ironic sense of acceptance.] So, I'm not totally sent south without buckskin.

[Dean leans forward, readjusts himself and the camera until it's held at face level.] Anyone mind tellin' me where the fuck this place is? I get the geography but- [Dean shakes his head.] Yeah- No. I'm not ready for this. [The camera is turned once around the room before turning off completely and the feed is gone.]


what: application

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