a very supernatural christmas: the redux

Dec 20, 2010 09:57

It had been a few weeks since hunting the Kere and Dean figured that they could both use a break for the Christmas season. Cas was getting better about sleep, or so he thought. It's what he chose to believe because the alternative made him feel pretty low. They'd gone shopping a few days prior and even though it was awkward as hell he let the guy ( Read more... )

who: diefirst, verse: promises are sand

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diefirst December 20 2010, 19:56:45 UTC
The idea had only come to him the previous day, already knowing that anything he offers the other man wont be anywhere near as much as he deserves. But while he may not be much of a substitute for Dean's usual company at Christmas, the simple fact that he's still letting Castiel stay with him is enough motivation to try and give him as much of a holiday as he can. The only trouble is that this isn't a holiday he's celebrated before. All he has to go by are the observations he's made and the questions he asked the woman in the diner. The confused looks he gained at that were definitely worth it to him ( ... )


possemagnet December 20 2010, 20:02:23 UTC
Dean knew the hum of the impala anywhere, her sounds were so ingrained into his head that it didn't take much longer than Cas being around the corner before he knew the guy had returned.

Aware now that Cas had come back with HIS car, Dean put his gun beneath the waist band of his jeans and went to jerk the door open.

"Where the hell've-" He wasn't expecting to talk to boxes, but blue eyes.

Dean's arms went out to support the load, in lieu of it already wavering and though his brows were high his lips were fixed into a scowl that was torn somewhere between skeptical and annoyed.


diefirst December 20 2010, 20:25:08 UTC
The boxes get handed over the moment that Dean reaches for them, already stepping back to go and collect the last few things. It still takes him a few more minutes though before he's able to step into the room, taking his time to pull off his boots at the door again, his coat following suit the moment the door gets closed.

Placing a bag down on the table, Castiel then goes to collect the boxes back off of the other man, leaving everything on one side of the table, opposite one of the chairs in an obvious invitation. It's only then that he actually looks toward Dean, a somewhat uneasy expression on his face.

"I went to get you something." Or rather, somethings.


possemagnet December 20 2010, 20:43:27 UTC
Dean would leave the fact that it wasn't technically getting him things if it was with HIS money to rest for the moment in favor of a dumbfounded look that had him seeming a lot like he was looking for the right straw to grasp.

After a while the only thing he could think of was, "Why?"


diefirst December 20 2010, 21:48:56 UTC
"I thought you wanted me to get used to being human." Which is yet another reason as to why he wants to try and celebrate the day the same way that he's seen others do. He just knows that there isn't any chance of following it to the letter. They're in a motel room, not a house. And with Dean not having any family left, and his own not being ones he ever wants to see again, the chances of a family gathering are non-existent. Dean really is the only one he has left.

Instead of trying to explain himself further, Castiel starts to work on opening the boxes, placing each one out once he's taken the lids off. He's brought far more than he thinks the two of them could manage, but between not being sure what Dean would want this morning and not having tastes a few others before, he'd brought almost everything off of their breakfast menu.


possemagnet December 20 2010, 21:52:24 UTC
"What'd you buy out the place?"

The smile on Dean's face is too huge to hide. He goes for the first thing with hot dead meat that's available and swallows and starts eating like he's been starved. It actually feels sort of nice to have Cas taking care of him instead of the other way around, not that he'd admit that.


diefirst December 20 2010, 23:04:23 UTC
"I wasn't sure what you're prefer." It's the smile that Dean gives that has him relaxing a little, a bag being tugged over so he can pull out both the coffee and orange juice he'd gotten Dean, setting them down on the far side of the table. It's only then that he finally takes a seat, passing the plastic cutlery across too.

"...is this alright?"


possemagnet December 21 2010, 00:08:50 UTC
Dean felt a lot like he loved the guy he was staring amusedly at as he ate his breakfast sandwich and got up in his t-shirt and bed pants to go for that juice. He wasn't used to being spoiled. He and Sam had both been firm believers in tough love.

"Dude, it's awesome," He'd momentarily forget that it was even Christmas morning in favor of all this food.


diefirst December 21 2010, 20:04:03 UTC
Smiling a little in response, Castiel pulls over a box with a few pancakes in, already floating in syrup. It's those he starts to work on, taking his time with each and every mouthful he has. Only when he's half way through the first pancake does he look up again.

"I attempted to try and find you a tree too, but the waitress couldn't suggest anywhere that would be open right now. I apologize." For not being able to give Dean any of the other things associated with a human Christmas.


possemagnet December 22 2010, 01:41:59 UTC
Dean cut into a slice of ham next and just sat back looking amused and satisfied.

"No, the last time I handled a Christmas tree I was fightin' two pagan gods. It's fine, but... thanks."

Dean ate for a little while longer, tucking one foot under the table near Cas before it finally clicked that he was doing all of this for the holiday.

"Geez, Cas, you didn't have to. I haven't had a proper Christmas since I was..." Well, he couldn't remember. "I didn't get you anything."


diefirst December 22 2010, 13:30:38 UTC
"You've already given me enough, Dean. I don't need anything else." And he means it. He wants to be able to pay back the other man for everything he's been given, even if Dean doesn't see things the same way.

Instead of pushing the point though, he just turns his focus back on working his way through the pancakes again, making a point of scooping up as much syrup as he can with each bite. The rest he's leaving to Dean to deal with. He isn't in a rush to get through any of the rest just yet.


possemagnet December 22 2010, 13:49:57 UTC
With his free hand, the one not distracted with food- Dean turned on the television to a local news channel to catch up on life outside of hunting. His mouth was occupied with about as much ham as he could stuff into it and the small slurps of coffee and juice he got here and there, indulgent sounds leaving it. Cas had brought him a buffet, best gift ever.


diefirst December 22 2010, 16:29:29 UTC
By the time he's finished the pancakes, Castiel is practically full. It's why he has no trouble leaving the rest of the collection to Dean, knowing that anything they don't eat now will likely end up being eaten during the day. He has no idea whether the other man has any plans to move on, but if he has his own way, they wont need to be going anywhere else during the day.


possemagnet December 22 2010, 16:57:48 UTC
Dean finishes an obvious meat lover's grand slam before he finally acknowledges Cas. A big stupid grin is slapped on his face and for the first time in a matter of days he looks relaxed.

"Merry Christmas," or whatever, he finishes in his head. This was one of the better ways to wake up; nightmares so distant to him now.


diefirst January 3 2011, 16:30:31 UTC
"And to you too." Not sure quite what he's meant to do now, Castiel gets back on to his feet again, heading over to his bed and the bag that sits beside it. It's yet another thing they've had to pick up for him along the way; Dean's own pack being nowhere near big enough for two adults to live out of.

It takes him a few moments of digging before he's finally able to find the cloth he's looking for; one that'd been borrowed from the trunk of the impala, clearly to be used for cleaning their weapons. It'd been the cleanest thing he could find though to wrap up the gift inside, and it's that he then heads back to pass over to Dean.

"This is for you too."


possemagnet January 3 2011, 20:59:10 UTC
Dean looked up from his buffet and the dining he was doing to take the the gift that Cas had messily wrapped for him. The smile was all too clear on his lips when he pulled the cloth away and notice the candy cane, it was a few seconds more that he noticed the mistletoe and he almost broke with laughter looking back at Cas, truly enjoying their friendship for the first time in a long time. His hand went out to grab Cas's palm.


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