by now a lot of people a gone 2018

Apr 17, 2020 11:36

well its 20.20 everything spoke bout over 2- years ago has happened. world in lockdown. only person i still known now from yeas ago is sifty Dave, not so sifty. i hope my old entries wont be deleted which is why i dont comment much now, lets me go back n riminess. oh i wish i could go back in time and change thing .i spose everyone does. anyway lockdown the whole world.. is serious when both casinos and church's close down for long time.. over a damn virus. wondering is hypercritically there could be a glitch where if we have multiple lifes that in next life i could bump into this one.. that would make for a cool story.. as i was driving round the streets the other day i was thinking this would be neat to film bits ad bobs for a zombie movie.. one thing i am glad is ppl die and not coming back alive at least.. the damn chinese idiots letting virus out.. or it coulda been on purpose.. between then and the americans.. dont trust them. they say it came from animal market.. bats.. i call bullshit on it. (but thats only my opinion) i no long have Jomas .. he lives t his days.. he is 19 and done so well. i am with my other son and his dad. this lockdown doesnt feel any dif to me.. actually going out i feel more relaxed.. not bothered by ppl as there are less of the.. staying at home. my cat flash is gone.. my dog is now gone, i miss my parents.. i miss my family. the old days. now it is just Dwight, my sons and i. and a black cat.. and possibly a stray up there road who seems to have found us. i know i used to feel alone.. i guess i still do. but its not to deep feeling anymore.. i am actually okay now. i do miss old friends and wish I treated them better.. vs verse as i look back now and they were quite nasty .. but i needed places to stay n stuff so just put up with the shit. anyhoo i shall go and look forward to the day. might have a nap. stay safe.xx
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