Риск СВДС смерти выше у младенцев, рожденных посредством планового КС

Jul 06, 2010 14:39

Периодически натыкаюсь натыкаюсь на такую инфу, что КС увеличивает риск СВДС. Вот один из примеров, но инфа бородатая. Хорошо бы поискать в медлайне исследования посвежее и сделать обзор, чтобы понять, есть ли такой риск, насколько он велик. Готова взять на себя часть этого трудного дела.

ссылка http://www.rtmagazine.com/issues/articles/2006-01_04.asp

Studies have shown that infants born through elective cesarean section may be at greater risk for SIDS.
A Johns Hopkins University11 epidemiological study also found that infants delivered by cesarean section have an increased risk of dying of SIDS than an infant born vaginally. This risk may be a consequence of the earlier gestational age at which an elective cesarean section occurs or it may be a consequence of lack of somatic stimulation during a cesarean section. Both factors can result in increased episodes of apnea, which may potentially be a prelude to SIDS.
Since apneas are more common in cesarean-born infants (and especially so in elective cesarean-born infants), physicians may need to consider using home apnea monitors on infants delivered by cesarean section. Ideally, an apnea monitor could prevent an infant’s apnea from progressing to SIDS. The monitor sounds an alarm if it detects a prolonged episode of apnea, hypoxia, or bradycardia, at which point parents can arouse their infant or do cardiopulmonary resuscitation if necessary.
Physicians may also need to consider delaying the due date of an elective cesarean to the 40th to 42nd week (rather than at the 38th to 39th week). Some research shows that term infants born in the 38th to 39th week range have more apneas than those born in the 40th to 42nd week range. Delaying an elective cesarean due date could allow an infant’s respiratory system to mature, thereby resulting in a more stable breathing pattern after birth.

More studies are needed that investigate the connection between SIDS and cesarean birth. Future studies may reveal whether simulating compression in an infant after a cesarean section would result in more stabilized breathing after birth and whether simulating compression would reduce the risk of an infant’s dying of SIDS after being born by cesarean section. Learning such information could potentially save many infants’ lives.
1. Kinney HC, Myers MM, Belliveau RA, et al. Subtle autonomic and respiratory dysfunction in sudden infant death syndrome associated with serotonergic brainstem abnormalities: a case report. J Neuropathol Exp Neurol. 2005;64(8):689-94.
2. Filiano JJ. Arcuate nucleus hypoplasia in sudden infant death syndrome: a review. Bio Neonate. 1994;65(3-4):156-9.
3. Kinney HC, Randall LL, Sleeper LA, et al. Serotonergic brainstem abnormalities in Northern Plains Indians with the sudden infant death syndrome. J Neuropathol Exp Neurol. 2003;62(11):1178-91.
4. Bader D, Riskin A, Paz E, et al. Breathing patterns in term infants delivered by cesarean section. Acta Paediatr. 2004;93(9):1216-20.
5. Adamson SL, Kuipers IM, Olson DM. Umbilical cord occlusion stimulates breathing independent of blood gases and pH. J Appl Physiol. 1991;70(4):1796-1809.
6. Jansen AH, Chernick V. Fetal breathing and development of control of breathing. J Appl Physiol. 1991;70(4):1431-46.
7. Togari H, Sobajima H, Suzuki S. Oxygen and reduced umbilical blood flow trigger the first breath of human neonates. Acta Paediatr Jpn. 1992;34(6):660-2.
8. Gluckman PD, Gunn TR, Johnston BM. The effect of cooling on breathing and shivering in unanesthetized fetal lambs in utero. J Physiol. 1983;343:495-5063.
9. Moss IR, Condorelli S, Scarpelli EM. The progressive onset of spontaneous and induced fetal breathing. Respir Physiol. 1981;45(3):299-308.
10. Ronca AE, Alberts JR. Simulated uterine contractions facilitate fetal and newborn respiratory behavior in rats. Physiol Behav. 1995;58(5):1035-41.
11. Sanghavi DM. Epidemiology of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) for Kentucky infants born in 1990: maternal, prenatal, and perinatal risk factors. J Ky Med Assoc. 1995;93(7):286-90.

педиатрия, публикации, ребёнок после кесарева, проблемы, послеоперационный период, медицинский аспект

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