*Paraphrased Narrative
In Posky related news:
-I've been bothered a lot lately.
-I am working on a new documentary (I need a lot of people for very breif interviews)
-Brian is back in town
-Brian's wedding is next week
-I think I'm going to start using Skype
-Future planning has been kicked into over-drive.
-Need to go to the doctor about my eyes and lungs
-I don't need another winter like last one
-Wrapping up pre-production on a film that I am going to want to submit to festivals
-I want to go where it is warm and dry because I don't feel quite as safe in the rain
-There is no such thing as boring stories, just boring story tellers.
-I think other people are lazier about a lot more than they'd like to admit to.
-There is a such a thing as being too patient.
-I'm still sure I'd rather be me than someone else.