Emotional health - reason for well-being, or 10 profitable tips to maintain your emotional health

Nov 03, 2011 09:19

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Emotional health - the main reason for well-being, or 10 profitable tips to maintain your emotional health.
About 15 years ago, no one really knew what ‘emotional health’ is and it was rarely spoken about. Now it is talked about a lot more. In the 21st century we perceive emotional health as something taken for granted.

The importance of physical health is always emphasized. There are a lot of different services, ideas and people telling us how we should look after our physical health. In order to cope with stress and other life challenges, we are suggested to exercise three times a week and stick to a healthy and sensible diet, avoid excesses and bad habits. Nevertheless, it seems when it comes to our emotional health, there is hardly any suggestion or advice.

When we are in a good emotional state it seems that we can do anything and we can cope with changes and events that life throws at us. It is las though we have all the necessary tools to smooth out irregularities of emotions that arise in the form of anxiety, fear, despair or depression.

Emotional health is essential for our prosperity. It largely determines the degree of satisfaction with life and even the level of our success. People who are able to maintain good emotional health have better relationships with other people, they are more optimistic and friendly. Perhaps it is because they feel more natural and comfortable being themselves.

In the case of physical health, it is relatively clear what to do. But what can we do to maintain our emotional health? What are the steps we may take to "train" or to develop our emotional health? Are there simple things we could do that can help us to be more harmonious and stable in facing life’s challenges? I think everyone will be pleased to know that there are some simple steps you can take and experience a big difference.

Before you embark on this small journey to improve your emotional health, it is perhaps worth figuring out what all this emotional health is about.

Often emotional health and mental health is considered as synonymous or interchangeable. Nevertheless, emotional health is more than mental health. Talking about mental health we are already talking about almost everything. Emotional health is something more than just the absence of mental disorders. This is a state of well-being, based on the ability to perceive, differentiate and express emotions. In this understanding of well-being,  a person can realize one's own potential, can experience a wide range of emotions and cope with normal stresses of life. It helps you to work productively and fruitfully, and to contribute to your community.

Emotionally healthy people are confident and really happy with whom they are. They have a good self-esteem and confidence. They value their own opinion of themselves much more than the opinion of someone else. They can adequately manage their own stress and have a strong commitment to what they believe. They are usually surrounded by others who perceive them as a resource support. These people we can easily say are  emotionally healthy. In addition, they are better prepared for any changes and disruptions in their lives and better prepared to deal with them.

If you were to break down the basic components of emotionally healthy people, you would see that among these elements of coping will be quite a strong social network and self-awareness that allows them to maintain the harmony and the balance of life.

This does not mean that emotionally healthy people do not have any problems and failures. Like everyone else, people with good emotional health from time to time fail. The difference is in how they cope with these setbacks. They strongly believe in themselves and it allows them to recover faster. The practice of self-knowledge and development of your own resources can help you and your emotional health.

10 simple ways to improve your emotional health:

1) Do not forget about your physical health. The ability to deal with discomfort is a very valuable ability. But we should not forget about our physical needs. Make sure you have enough sleep; at least 4 out of 7 days. This will help you to recover on time. Eat well, as it will give you strength and energy for the body. Exercise regularly so as to improve your physical health. Exercise can help prevent and even cure a small level of depression. As they say physical exercise, may replace the effect of medicine, but there is no medicine that could replace the effect of physical exercise. You do not have to necessarily enter a club or gym, brisk walking and small exercises should be good enough. Do it with joy. Eliminate or minimize your bad habits. Cigarettes and alcohol are harmful to your physical and emotional health. Abuse of various drugs, can also bring great long-term health damage. Throw away all these substitutes of joy. Expose yourself to fresh air and sunlight. Sunlight helps the body regulate itself and stimulates the organs and systems.

2) Learn to read your emotions. Emotions make our life more colourful. They tell us what is good and what is not. Short-term emotion is called affect and long-term emotion is called mood. The ability to understand one's own emotional experiences and talk about it prevents psychosomatic diseases. Pleasant emotions usually do not bother, though can also be to deprive us of sleep. We are more concerned about just unpleasant and difficult emotions. We always want to get rid of them. However, we also need them. Firstly, they help us understand the significance of what is happening. Secondly, unpleasant emotions push us to do something and change things for the better. Thirdly, emotions are showing the way to conflicts, which make our life more complex. Mood changes, although affects our behavior, still points out the reason that is not always visible. This reason you better to find. Hence, be not a slave but a master of your mood.

3) Develop professionally. Parasitism does not invest anything to the emotional health and narrows our emotional experience. Find something that you are able to do very well and turn it into a regular oсcupation. It does not matter what it is and no matter how much money it brings for you. What really matters is how much you are able to enjoy your professional activities. Find an occupation in which you can call yourself a professional: accountant, teacher at a school, driver, cook etc. Learn and grow, reach heights of expertise in the field. The domain of activity and achievements is one of the main domains of life. It allows us to feel useful and needed and thus feel self-worth.

4) Offer help sometimes for free. Just do good things and "throw it into the water." Do not expect anything in return. In addition to what you are doing greatly everyday offering help to someone free of charge will give you an opportunity to feel yourself a little bit higher, less material and therefore less dependent and more free. Besides the fact that you are just helping someone, is also good for strengthening your self-worth. It is important that you do it with real joy and meaningfulness.

5) Learn how to find time for yourself. Every now and then we all need some time of our own and it is very important. In our everyday life sometimes we do not have enough time to reflect on what we have achieved, reassess our goals, values, relationships, problems or mistakes. Our vanity may be actually an "escape" from problems that is allowing us temporarily to create the illusion that everything is in order and under control. Therefore, it is sometimes necessary to stop and look around, see what's good and what is not as desirable.

This time for yourself may look very different, but this time should belong only to you. Schedule it to work without fuss. Whether is it taking a hot bath, meditation and reflection, or collection of aircraft models, all of us from time to time need to focus on our own interests, needs and future.

Find your hobby. It is quite natural to have difficulties and problems. Life practically consists of constant problems and solutions. And this can not be avoided. However, if the problems and difficulties are the sole content of your life, that's when you have real problems and the urgent need to change something. Find something that at times you can completely surrender and be happy to spend time doing. This will help you maintain balance and better get in touch with yourself.

6) Be creative. By freeing up the creative side of ourselves we feed the emotional half of the brain, and it allows us to discover something new and take a look at the problem from a different point of view. In addition, interest and curiosity may produce  additional meaning, which will protect you from fear of doing something wrong, because you are already interested. Make it your creative trait. The only effective tool to deal with routine is to make it creative. Look for something new and unusual. Try to look at what areas of your life you would be able to use it, try to vary your life.

7) Spend time with people. We need to be connected, to belong, to love and be loved. If you want to be loved, let others get to know you. If you want to be loved let others get to know you. Open yourself to others. There are two sorts of people, those whom we invest our emotional energy on and those whom we get energy from. The first sort of people will always be around. That's why it is important to surround yourself and spend time with people who have positive effect on you, people whom you admire and whose company you are able to enjoy, or which serve you as an example. You may be inspired and excited about features that you want to develop in yourself. Maybe you will just have a good time in their company, and it will make you feel good, to become even friendlier to others and still have a better opinion of yourself.

8) Forget for a while about the TV or computer. Modern technologies play an increasing part in our lives although it is not a bad thing. It allows us to erase the territorial boundaries and communication with those whom face to face communication would not be possible. But at the same time, it can still serve as a tool allowing escaping from reality, or is temporarily disconnected from the pressing problems and difficult relationships. In other words, they sometimes pull us out of reality and often times permanently. We need some moderation. Just do not be occupied by it all the time. If you want a real good relationship and communication, you should go out and meet people, chat with them live, but here you need practice. Emotions is the energy, and hence it can not be stored for long periods because it will fade. There is a right time to get rid of emotions. Most often this is done in the process of communication. The accumulation of negative emotions lead to problems in physical health. Communication is a great coach. Only face to face communication will allow you to develop your communicative competence, and thus receive and transmit more joy from interaction.

9) Look to the future. Eastern proverb says, "live in this world and do good things in this world, but aspire to a better world." Take a look and determine what you can improve in your life. You need to know what you want in order not to miss the moment when you have it already. When there is in front an alluring goal, it serves as a kind of emotional battery that feeds your mood. Do not leave yourself for a long time without any clear and inviting targets. Every day in the morning find something that gives you joy, and will light the movement to the target.

10) Know your values. There are just two things that make our life unbearable. First, it is endless suffering and second is meaningless suffering. If there is a time limit and clear meaning then suffering turns into training of our qualities.

Identify your most basic values of life and be able to formulate it in words. This is what makes us feel truly independent and self-sufficient. Our values belong to us only, they can not be easily taken away, so we have something that we can  not lose. The perception of these values is a powerful factor in support of our moods, life passion, and respectively, for emotional health.

Following these simple steps, you will soon start seeing a difference in your emotional health. If you succeed to experience the feeling that you hold your life in your own hand it would be a very good sign. If you still feel that the situation does not improve, then maybe it is time to seek professional help from a therapist. Remember, no matter what kind of problem you have, but more importantly how you deal with them.

positive psychotherapy, emotional health, mental health, well-being

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