Nov 12, 2004 18:12
King Zrk: So Aldibah added a dash of Grumium to his concoction...
Jenna: and slying looking over his shoulder, he was startled to discover Dsiban spying on the magic potion!
King Zrk: But he slipped out through the Nodus Secundus before Aldhibah summoned the Rastaban.
Jenna: "Oh Dsiban! You elude me!" Aldhibah sputtered. "I shall sic my dragon, Ed, on you and your concubines!"
King Zrk: But the wizard Mizar appeared silenced them all
King Zrk: ok so Mizar is actually from Usra Major
(My brother): yeah there's a lot of HRUH stuff in beowulf. i checked the glossary. some certain people read it in my school.
I love those words.