it's the return ov the...

Sep 03, 2010 14:47

hey kids! i know i've been gone for awhile. not so much lack ov news as lack ov feeling like doïng the lj thing.

the biggfest news is the events ov this monday: i went to atlanta to see dir en grey and apocalyptica. okay, i was really just there for dir en grey, but i had to admit apocalyptica put on a hell ov a show (which they concluded with 'in the hall ov the mountain king'. it was epic).

dir en grey, ov course, was all kinds ov amazing. there were only three disappointments. they were significantly outweighed by all the awesomeness, but hey. i would've been even more ecstatically happy if: a) 京 still had the blonde hair and almost nonexistant facial hair (he had short, spiky black hair and the beginning ov a beard--as teresa put it, he looked like a vietnamese gangster); b) they'd played 'clever sleazoid' (i don't know, i've never liked it much, but i really wanted to hear it monday); and c) they'd played 'hydra -666-' (it was such a metal show, i don't know why they didn't). on the other hand, they played two songs very dear to my heart ('obscure' and '朔 -saku-', which everyöne loves, so i wasn't surprised they played them, but was still thrilled)--and everything they played was fucking amazing.

also: die kept looking at teresa and smiling at her for pretty much the whole show, which was also pretty awesome.

even the venue was amazing; center stage is really well laid out--every fucking seat gives a really good view ov the stage. and we met a pretty nifty young lady in line who has taken some really good pictures ov past shows. we're hoping to hear from her, both because she seemed pretty cool in general, and because we'd like to buy a print ov one ov her pictures.

other news:
my ipod died last saturday. i just bought a used one from one ov teresa's friends, but with the holiday coming up, it'll likely be next friday before it arrives.
my drumkit cord (from the kit to the PA system) died. i don't know how, but it no longer functions. i'm making do using the hi-hat controller cord in its place, since i rarely use the hi-hat, but i need to purchase a replacement as soon as i can.
i sent all the bita and pieces ov 'silence' to doug, he added his bits, and last i knew was about a week ago when he said he was sending it to john and would then send me a rough mix. not sure what happened with all that--i hope we don't miss deadline.
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