Name & LJ: Beatrice;
avianflueBirthdate & Age: November 30, 1992; 18
Characters played in Zodion: N/A
Name: Maya Amano
Canon: Persona 2: Eternal Punishment
official artInfo links:
maya's eternal punishment profile on "crime & punishment"
maya's wiki Canon Point: Post Eternal Punishment, after seeing Tatsuya on the crosswalk
Gender: Female
Age: 23
Birthdate/Sign: Born on the fourth of July, so that makes her a
Tattoo: The
Cancer symbol, about the size of the average human palm and located on her chest just beside the bruise caused by the Holy Lance
Suitability: N/A
Her ultimate persona at the end of the game is
Artemis, whose skills are focused in ice and healing magic. For the sake of this game, Artemis will only retain the skill "Bufudyne", which is the most powerful ice spell intended to strike one enemy. Of course, it will be powered down upon entering Zodion.
When Maya is first introduced, she lights up the room with her energy and opinionated personality. In fact, in any situation, you can always bet that Maya will be the one to speak her mind or take the lead-- so it usually comes as a shock when a person first begins a play-through of Persona 2: Eternal Punishment to find that she takes the role of silent protagonist in Tatsuya's stead. Maya Amano is one of the most unlikely silent protags you could ever meet. She's arguably one of the most talkative in the teams of both games, and her personality is larger than life. She's the one who laughs when it seems impossible to do so and fights when all strength seems to have left her; in Innocent Sin, she takes the role of "big sister" to the younger three party members, always encouraging them in their times of strife and producing logical-minded thinking in the face of certain death. However, there is one thing that can cripple her judgement and optimism (particularly during the Innocent Sin era, though its presence in her life after she regains her memories and as an influence to her persona's ability still exists in Eternal Punishment), and that thing is fire. When something appears to be engulfed in flames or the threat of fire is present, Maya typically falls to her knees and calls weakly for her daddy. Her persona's weakness, incidentally, is fire. Though this phobia isn't present in Eternal Punishment, it should affect her still somewhat from her current canon point, as she has regained her memories of almost being burned alive.
Innocent Sin, then, is when the basis of Maya's personality is fleshed out in order to pave the way for her more muted role in Eternal Punishment. She's a reporter for Kismet Publishing's teen magazine Coolest, and takes her job very seriously due to a deep connection she had with her father. He rarely had time for his family as a journalist, and died in the field while covering a particularly dangerous story. Grief-stricken, Maya vowed that she would some day pursue an avid career in journalism while simultaneously nurturing a family; this is her dream, and because of her strong and independent nature, it is likely that she won't rest until she has fulfilled it. In order to spur herself on and remain comforted during stressful situations, she carried a stuffed animal rabbit given to her by her father that she calls "Ms. Bunny". When trapped in a bomb shelter beneath Kasugayama High School, it reminds her to stay strong for the others, and becomes a beacon of hope for Tatsuya as well after a heartfelt conversation with Maya. In fact, this is one of the only times we see Tatsuya smile in the entirety of the game.
Maya has more than a few little quirks about her, too. She is horribly untidy, and shocks her companions more than once with the horrendous state of her room. She claims adamantly that it's because she doesn't have time, and this is likely because of her dedication to her work (which has gotten in the way of both her cleanliness and her interest in dating, as a matter of fact). She's also a terror behind the wheel, though she absolutely adores driving of any kind. When escaping from the Sky Museum in Innocent Sin, she volunteers to pilot a blimp and promptly crashes it not moments after escaping the building. It's because of this that Tatsuya disallows her to drive it again in the parallel world of Eternal Punishment. She also has a thing for crab (her favourite food is canned crab!) and is amused by her own zodiacal sign because of it. She hates cooking and cleaning, mostly because she is terrible at both. A thing to note about her person in her current canon point is a large bruise across her chest, a memory of an alternate world when she was stabbed by the Holy Lance and killed due to a rumour that all wounds caused by the lance are fatal. Whenever she meets someone or comes across memories from the other world during the second game, the wound flares up and causes her a great deal of pain. Since she has regained her memories, however, that wound is dormant for the most part.
Essentially, her overall personality doesn't change much in Eternal Punishment, though you have to analyze her actions far more than her words to see it. She's still a journalist in this parallel world (since her father's death remains the same here as well), and it's right off the bat that we see her arguing with a fairly high-ranked superior. This is her persistent attitude shining through; Maya is an obvious leader with a good many opinions and insights, and will cross swords with anyone if she believes she is doing the right thing. It's no secret that she's intelligent-- her experience in her field has caused her to excel in a whole range of information-gathering techniques, including interviews and research. Her reasoning ability leads the teams from both Persona 2 games to uncover more and more about the mysteries in Sumaru City.
In Eternal Punishment, too, she's shown to be a hard one to deter. She is given an emblem that will ward away any danger of the joker, but she burns it in order to continue her hunt for more clues about him. Even at the expense of her own safety, she is always determined to follow through for the sake of her friends and to get to the bottom of any story that comes her way. True to the textbook traits of a Cancer sign, Maya is caring, helpful, and sensitive to need. Despite the fact that she is less motivated to step into a big sister type role in Eternal Punishment, the compassion she has for her friends is still as strong as ever. Even when her best friend Ulala reveals that, in a drunken, jealous stupor, had called the Joker to have her killed, she forgives her and allows her to continue tracking down the Joker as a part of their team. In Innocent Sin, too, she is one of the only members of the party to immediately and unhesitatingly forgive and accept Jun after discovering that he was the Joker who had been pursuing them.
Maya can see the best in people, and believes that everyone has a dream and a good heart. She encourages everyone to follow their dreams on their own merit rather than letting the Joker just do things for them, leaving this message with Tatsuya, Jun, Eikichi, and Lisa after her death. Essentially, she is a happy-go-lucky woman with a strong belief in courage and love in the face of evil, and will stop at nothing to create that kind of optimism in the hearts of others. She is unselfish and kind, persistent and intelligent, and an obvious leader. When others would rush in unnecessarily, she'll take the time to reach a sensible conclusion that's best for everyone. And despite of her flaws and quirks, she's a truly remarkable person.
"Zodion" First-Person Network Entry:
[ when the feed cuts on, a young woman is displayed, appearing both parts intrigued and introspective. when it looks as though she notices that the video is recording, she shoots the network a smile and launches into an energetic speech without any sort of hesitation. ]
Hello to anyone who can hear me! My name is Maya Amano and I'm a reporter for the hit teen magazine "Coolest" brought to you by Kismet Publishing-- and if it's alright with you, I'd like to ask a few questions! You see, I woke up in this place without any knowledge of how I came to be here, save for a couple of clues.
There was a letter left to me sent by a group that called themselves "the Twelve". The thing that really got my attention, though, were the little symbols printed underneath the signature...
[ there's some fidgeting, and then
a piece of paper with some scribbles on it appears on the screen while maya continues to talk in the background. ]
As I've outlined there, each symbol corresponds to the different signs of the zodiac. Does anyone have any information about a group that identifies themselves this way? Anything you have to share would be helpful! Thank you very much! [ and just as abruptly as the transmission had started, it ends. ]
"Zodionlogs" Third-Person Prose Entry: (200 word min)