
Mar 31, 2004 06:47

Recent events in my life have causeed me to question how I'm living my life and how others live theirs. What is perfection? What is a perfect life? Does it include money? popularity? Is perfection obtained spiritually? or through friends and experience? a combination of both perhaps. Maybe it'd be easier to start with some of the things people associate with a "perfect" life, and I say perfect in no way equating it to successful, because there are some extremely successful people that are disgusting blemishes on the face of the Earth. Money; equating having a lot of money with a perfect life probably happens more than anything else and could not be further from the truth. Some of the most unhappy, disturbed, fucked up people that I know are those with the most money (or parents with the most money). Money alienates people and also gives them the "comfort" and "security" to be able to support enormous coke habits and worry about their weight and their looks all the time. I could go on about how much money sucks, but that's not the point of this post.
The second most brought up topic in regards to perfection, at least in teenagers, is academic success/success in sports. Ok, sports is the easy one...besides the merits of learning cooperation and getting your fat ass some exercise, sports, especially in high school are not any indicator of how good a life the athelete is leading or will lead. Academic success as a contributor to perfection is a bit harder to refute because it seems to matter so much in where the student will go in their life, but there are many reasons that grades are a crock of shit. First grades are never even NEARLY an indicator of how intelligent a person is, just how well they can play the system. Maybe the biggest reason that grades don't tell how good a person is, is that academic cirriculum says nothing about a person's actions or decisions in life.
Sobriety is something often associated with leading a perfect life, straightedge people preach it like they were Jesus. Sobriety is a choice that may prevent some diseases or stupid mistakes, but there are 90 year old alcoholics that are healthy as hell, and people hook up every day and regret it later, but it has nothing to do with perfection, and not even necessarily anything to do with leading a better life. Everything in moderation.
As I've been writing this post I've come to the conclusion that perfection has to do with how you interact with people, how you affect the lives of people that you touch. There are so many things that are stressed by people wanting to lead a perfect life, and every one of them can lead to opportunities where they can positively effect someone, but often they are viewed as necessary...and are stressed over, which causes more and more imperfection, more and more evil. People dwell too much over what other people have, what other people can do and don't realize what they have. Every action is yours, what you have to ask yourself is, who is this going to affect, and in what way is it going to affect them? It's your fault if you don't do that and end up hurting someone, it's your imperfection. Every second is new, a new opportunity to change, to do something to make someone happy, to positively effect someone or to positively effect yourself, growing and changing into a better, more enlightened person....fuck money, fuck your fucking self, and if someone doesn't like it just realize that your'e the better person...they lose
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