YouTube owns my soul

Aug 29, 2008 13:56

Wow, when I realized how many YouTube links I was racking up in my RIL file, I decided to make a post just for them. So, behind the cut we have many a video to keep you busy at work. Because what else would you be doing?

First things first. I don't know how long this has been floating around, but just this morning I watched a bootleg copy of the first five minutes of the Supernatural season 4 premiere. I knew Kripke showed it at Comiccon, but I hadn't seen it yet. What we get to see is pretty mysterious, and really raises way more questions than it actually answers, but still, it was pretty damn cool.

Three things, though. One: OMG FANGIRLS SHUT UP. GOD. YOU ARE MAKING US ALL LOOK BAD. Two: I hope they get some awesome mullet rock to play in the background. Three: Anybody else notice what the first word spoken was? *glee*

Do I need to say it? SPOILERS FOR SEASON FOUR.

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There is a whole slew of these "Are You Watching?" Supernatural vids, and some of them are amazing. Some are pretty meh, but they're only a minute long so there's really not enough time to get bored. These are a couple of my favorites.

#2: "Introducing: The Winchesters"

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#38: "The Family Business"

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#21: "My Brother's Fate"

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In the venue of "cool things that are not Supernatural-related" we have a trailer for a new British show called "No Heroics." Dude, I love superheroes.

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And that segues nicely into the arrival of the newest "I'm a Marvel...and I'm a DC" video, which is just as funny as the previous ones. Poor Tony Stark, feeling so unloved next to the behemoth that is "The Dark Knight."

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I just wish I could stop feeling so blech. I think it's the frozen dinner I had for lunch. Something about that brownie was just... off. Or it could be "end of my period" cramps, which are always fun. Why do I always have cramps at the beginning AND the end? Stupid ovaries.

yum yum tasty spoilers, damn you kripke, the adventures of bitch and jerk, youtubey goodness, comiccon, do not diss the batman puny mortal, season 4 bitches

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