Third time's the charm!

Jul 09, 2011 00:43

Character: Hara Akiha
Series: Hanazakari no Kimitachi e
Character Age: 25
Job: P.E. (Perseverance and Endurance) Counselor

Canon: Everyone has dreams when they’re young! Some people wish to become famous celebrities, others want to travel all around the world. And then there’s Ashiya Mizuki who only wants to be close to her high jump idol, Sano Izumi. Simple, right? Or so it would have been if the dream in question didn’t involve Mizuki flying from America to Japan and cutting her hair to be able to crossdress and get into the all-boys school Sano is currently attending.

Surprisingly enough, Mizuki’s plan ends up working to the extent that only a few people are actually aware of her real gender. Among these people we find Hara Akiha, a somewhat eccentric, world famous photographer with a sweet tooth who has her work for him on a couple of occasions. When in a good disposition, Akiha can be playful, easygoing, and cheerful, but get on his bad side and he becomes a terrifying man with a sharp tongue who shows no mercy to even the best of top models. Though some people could tell you his scariness extends well beyond his job, what with his habit of climbin’ up doctor’s windows, snatchin’ little traps up, and... taking them both on cute dates with him. There’s no point in fighting it anyway, since Akiha never takes no for an answer.

Sample Post:

Okay! Attention everyone! I need you to pay attention to me or we won’t get anything done today. I know most people hate P.E. when they’re in school, but this is a different kind of P.E! Don’t wooorry, I won't be making you run laps around the duck pond or doing warm-ups and stretching with the gorillas. My P.E. stands for Perseverance and Endurance: Two qualities that will take you as far as you want in your lives... and, er, afterlives, as well. In certain campers' cases.

You might not think I’m qualified for this job, since photography is what I have the most experience with, but in reality the two can be closely related! See, perseverance is all about fighting for the things you want-in my case, it could be a particular model! Ah. But I mean that in the strictly professional sense... mostly. I-In any case, the art of Never Giving Up is not easy to master, and to be fair there are many things even the strongest will won’t achieve. But you won’t know what those are until you’ve tried absolutely everything.

And that’s where endurance comes into play! There is a Japanese proverb that says “fall seven times, stand up eight”, and it perfectly illustrates my point. Think of your goal as a beautiful princess atop a high tower, and of yourselves as the valiant princes who will come to their rescue. ♥ It’s a long way up and it won’t be easy, but unless you keep getting back up after every fall, you’ll never make it. Though please remember to use moderation and know your own limits; climbing up into someone’s window can get really painful with a sprained ankle and two broken ribs. Just trust me on this one.

Anyway, let’s get to the action, shall we? For our first practice session, we’ll make use of our friends the zombies-the undead embodiment of perseverance and endurance! Each of you will have a zombie partner for the day, who will, naturally, chase after you wherever you go. Take this as an opportunity to learn from them, experience in the flesh the true powers of resolve and stamina, and then put this knowledge to use in your own lives. Oh, and if for some reason your partner doesn’t seem too interested in your, ah, ideas, you can always pin some mistletoe onto your shirts. It’ll make the challenge a lot more exciting, don’t you think~?

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